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♠ Germaine ~In the Kingdom of Lucifenia, "The Avadonia Household"~


I only heard this later, but apparently my shout at that time reached as far as the Beckinson tailor shop over one kilometer away from my house.

How many days had I been on the wagon? It was just the outcome of joining in Dad's resolution to abstain from alcohol until the problems with the food supply were solved, but sometimes there were days I'd just want a drink so badly.

The fairy-tale character Vampiress Vanika Conchita allegedly had a body that would rot away if she didn't at least once drink a wine made from lifeblood for three days. Maybe I'm her reincarnated, or perhaps a descendent of hers.

Above all, I hated being in the house alone. Dad was going to be late coming home on account of his guard duty for the ball being held at the palace.

In the palace, the nobles were probably treating themselves to wine so fine that the likes of me had never laid eyes on it. While I was thinking about that I became very furious.

"Why can't I drink alcohol in the first place? Because there's a food shortage. Why is there a food shortage? Yeah, that's right! Because that abominable "Daughter of Evil" Riliane stole pretty much all of this year's meager harvest from the people to fill up her own food stores!"

Before I knew it I was starting into a speech alone inside a house where there was no one but myself.

"They don't think anything of the common people. As long as they're doing okay they don't care about the rest. To top it off, anyone who goes against them is put to the guillotine without mercy! And the boss of those wicked nobles is Riliane. Nobody calls that tyrant 'Princess'. She's just the 'young girl'...No, even more than that she's a bad-natured 'Daughter of Evil'!"

I took my mind off things by continuing to vent my anger at Riliane.

...That being said, I had never actually seen Riliane in person. Or perhaps I should say, hardly any commoners knew what she physically looked like. That "Daughter of Evil", who secluded herself in her palace and indulged in luxury and play, had never shown herself before them. To her such people were merely objects to be exploited. Well, I'm certain she was unbelievably unattractive. People's personalities tend to come out on their features, after all.

It was painful being unable to tell anyone my resentments. My dad was the head of the royal guard under direct supervision of the royalty. I wasn't in a position to be badmouthing them.

Dad was adored by the common people, but I knew that there were also those who would insult him with gossip that he was a "pawn of the nobles".

Ridiculous. How could they confuse him with the likes of the aristocratic born generals Mouchet and Ausdin? Even now, after my father has come to be known as one of the "Three Heroes", he continues to refuse being given noble status, a man of the people through and through.

"The palace, huh...?"

I wondered if Allen was doing alright. I had been really surprised when Dad had said that he was going to become a servant. That night as I recall I had ended up arguing with him about it until daybreak.

I could understand having him work at the palace. In a way, because it was a place where Dad could keep an eye on him, it put me at ease too. But why as a servant? To speak frankly, Allen was a prodigy in swordsmanship. He ought to be a member of the royal guards that served under Dad.

"Heeeey! I'm hoome~ Germaine!"

As I was thinking about all that, Dad had gotten back.

"Welcome back. Want dinner?"

"I've already eaten. ..Oi, what is it?"

I brought my nose closer to Dad to check his scent. Yeah, it was alright, he didn't smell like alcohol.

"Looks like you didn't drink before you came here, huh?"

"Of course, I promised didn't I?"

I didn't know Dad's reasons for making Allen a servant. But I'd decided to trust in him. I'm sure there were some profound circumstances for it. So I wouldn't question him too strongly for now. Not until the day when my adoptive father, the revered Leonhart Avadonia, who raised me and Allen who were not of his own flesh and blood, decided to tell me so himself

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