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Clôture of Yellow Afterword

Nice to meet you, I am AkunoP/mothy.

Though this might not be a first meeting for those of you who are familiar with my song, "The Daughter of Evil". Yes, this book has a story that was derived from slightly different circumstances than other light novels.

"The Daughter of Evil" was originally something uploaded onto a video website as a song that used the "VOCALOID" music software.

This work uses as its base the story told in both the "Daughter of Evil" song and another piece, "Servant of Evil"; it also adds in the perspective of the "red-armored swordswoman" who appears in the songs.

At the time, I used to go on to myself about how I'd make a plot that I could write a novel with on my blog and whatnot, but I never dreamed that the day would come that I could actually make it into a book.

When I first resolved to make it into a novel, I agonized over how to keep myself in check, over how freely I could write, if I could just spit out my plot (or rather, wild ideas) like that, etc; but in the end, I decided to write completely on my own terms.

I dismissed the pleas I got from people in charge telling me "not to add any more VOCALOID characters because getting permission for them would be hard", pressed my illustrator Miss Ichika to include ideas in the outfit designs that weren't used in the original version, and finally, readily changed the finished product from what I had thought up in the very beginning. I let myself do as I pleased, so as to not be ashamed of the "AkunoP" name. Let me take this opportunity to give all involved my most heartfelt apology, and my gratitude.

For those of you who are first learning of "Daughter of Evil" through this novel, I think you'll be able to more deeply enjoy this story by listening to its various songs, "Daughter of Evil" and "Servant of Evil", as well as "Daughter of White" and "Regret Message".

For everyone who's read up to this point, I truly thank you most graciously. And, please look forward to the World of Evil I (might) continue to develop after this!

AkunoP (mothy)

Clôture of Yellow: The Daughter Of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now