Chapter 19

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I took that picture but anyway I pray for Aaron's whole family, he is in a better place now 😔
Jack POV:
"Oh my God Jack they have Sammy and Nate!" JJ said crying.

"I know shh it's ok. We are going to get them back." I say holding him close to me.

"What if they are beating them?" JJ said with a fearful look in his eyes.

"We are goi-" I was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked while Jack snuggled his head in my chest.

"His majesty Hayes Grier is here along with Aaron Carpenter" Jeffery said.

He opened the door and who I am assuming Aaron and Hayes are enter the room shutting the door behind them.

"I am Hayes Grier" a boy with bright blue eyes. His hair is black and is up slightly. His eyes will never match to JJ's beautiful blue eyes. He looks about 17.

"Aaron Carpenter" said the boy next to him. He seems younger then me but not by that much. His eyes are green and his hair is swooped to the side. Also he has black earrings in.

"Jack Gilinsky" I say flatly. I give them both a glare. Hayes cowards into Aaron slightly.

"Jack Johnson" JJ said picking his head up. His face turned completely into a nice one. He got up from my lap and pranced to Hayes.

"Oh my gosh you are so adorable" JJ said sweetly squishing his cheeks. Hayes's eyes are wide.

Aaron is glaring at my beautiful boy. I get up quickly and stand behind JJ. I stare down Aaron.

"Oh how could I forget about you! You are so handsome!" JJ squeals and hugs Aaron.

"Thanks" he says shocked.

I honestly have no idea why he is acting so nice.

"Jacky! Don't be rude say something." JJ winks at me sending my heart into beating 1,000 times per second.

I just stand there. I shake my head no.

"Ok I will then" he said smirking.

"Ok listen here fuckers, where the fuck is Sammy and Nate!?" JJ screams pushing Hayes into a wall.

Aaron quickly goes after JJ. I grab him by the collar of his uniform.

"I-I don't know" Hayes stutters looking away.

"What about you!?" I scream in Aaron's face. (I feel bad about writing this especially sense his funeral is today)

Aaron pushed me off of him suddenly.

"Let go of Hayes and I will talk" he spit out. Before I could even say something JJ let go of Hayes and ran to my side.

"Please tell us" I hear his voice shake.

I grab his waist pulling him closer.

"Ok let's sit down." JJ sits next to me on the bed and Hayes and Aaron sit in the chairs next to the bed.

Sammy POV:
"Nate?" I say quietly. He still hasn't woken up and I am starting to panic.

I let out a sob as I see him with bruises all over his body.

That boy Aaron cleaned up all the blood but my baby still has awful bruises.

"Please babe wake up for me" I whisper letting out quite sobs.

They said if I make to much noise they will do worse.

The tears didn't stop as I looked at him.

I want to desperately touch him and hold him.

Why did he do this? I could have handled it.

"Fuck you!" I hear the door open and slam close as I hear foot steps approach us.

I bite my lip in a desperate attempt to stop crying. Who knows what they will do if they find me crying.

I rather heavy guy walked up to me.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" He asked that made me sick to my stomach. His eyes are green and make me sick.

"Leave me alone" I say trying to keep my voice even.

"Whats wrong baby boy? Not feeling it?" He said. I nearly got sick. No one calls me that but Nate.

"Go away"

I pray that he listens to me.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He said kicking Nate's leg. Nate didn't react just stayed still. Blacked out still.

"Don't touch him" I say loudly.

"You going to stop me?" He says louder walking towards me.

He toward over me.

I all ready felt hit tears flowing down my cheeks.

Sorry I left you guys hanging last chapter and didn't update sooner. Also sorry for it being so short I tried but I am too pissed to write any longer.

I would have updated sooner but I just got replaced! Yeah! So fun! 😒

So I need a new friend. If you want to be my friend just message me or something. If not oh well, btw I am working on the next chapter for Shadow.

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