"We're are government officials," the man pointed out "look I know it's hard on you, but we're only doing our Job here. We were given orders not to allow you take anything, but I am also a father, thus I am allowing you to take the necessary things you can, and go to one of your relatives–"

Felix felt another set of tears stinging his eyes, like watching his brother getting sentenced to six years in prison wasn't enough heartache for the day."I don't have any relatives" he said, just as his tears rolled freely.

"I am sorry kid, do you have any one I mean a family friend or something?"

"Yes but not anymore, they've moved to Canada a few years back, I– i don't know what to do, please I beg you don't take my house, it's the only thing I've got left"

The man looked truly sympathetic. "I am sorry kid," he fished out his wallet and brought out a few notes before passing them to Felix. "Take this and get yourself something to eat, you're a fox right?"

Felix accepted the money and nodded.

"I can direct you to a man I know he takes stray kids in, but he's not very fond of foxes, however I will put a few words and I am sure he'll take you in" 

Felix was about to agree but then he suddenly remembered those type of wolves were the reason he lost his parents, he couldn't– shouldn't be anywhere close to such people. He also remembered his brother's words about people who wanted to take advantage of him, and he wasn't sure what type of people he would meet there. Thus he shook his head as tears endlessly rolled down his freckled cheeks. "Thank you but i can manage" he said and didn't wait for the man's response as he hurried up the stairs.

He broke down and cried harder when he reached his room, he couldn't believe this was happening to him, he had lost his parents. His brother was taken to prison for a crime that wasn't a crime (if Chris was a full breed wolf) and now he'd lost his home. He placed a hand on his chest rubbing it to ease the pain. After a while, he wiped his tears before he packed all he could and picked the necklace his parents gave him on his 17th birthday and wore it, before making his way out. 

None of the men spared him a glance except for the other man that gave him money, "May you find your way son" the man said patting Felix's shoulder.

Felix gave a jerky nod, as he stared at what used to be his home once, before he finally walked out.

He walked aimlessly on the streets for hours experiencing what it felt like to be a homeless kid. He would stop and cry from time to time, but he kept going without a destination in mind, until his stomach grumbled and he used some of the money to get some food. After spending hours he decided to stay in a motel with the little money he had left.

The first and second nights went just fine, but then he found himself on the streets again on the third night, with no place to sleep and no money in his pocket to buy something to eat.

He spent another three days on the same street, eating garbage foods, he got mugged and was left with nothing but the clothes on his body.

That was when Jeong-In came.  

The night was long and cold too… Felix was about to fall asleep on a road side bench with his arms hugging his body, when his saviour showed up. The boy seemed to be close to his age, wearing a ripped jeans and jersey. A backpack slung over his shoulder and his bright silver hair almost blinding him.

"Hey little one, what are you doing?" Jeong-In asked as he stopped right in front of Felix. His voice sounded soft and Felix instantly felt a connection with him.

Blissful Encounter(Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now