Just a Phase

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Sorry it's short 😭

Kiaras Pov

Me and JJ danced for a while and got worn out. He was sitting at a table while I went to get us drinks. As I was pouring them I heard my parents voices behind me. I immediately rolled my eyes.

"Kiara we need to talk to you.. you bring that boy here-"

"His name is JJ and he's not 'that boy' he's my boyfriend" i said interrupting her.

"Okay whatever Kiara you bringing JJ here was not a good idea at all"

"And why is that"

"There are important people here Kiara- we worked hard to get here if they see us bringing a Maybank here and corrupting everything-"

"He's not the horrible drunk abusive maybank.. he's JJ and he hasn't corrupted anything tonight"

"Yeah not this time"

"You don't know him"

"Yeah but I know you .. you gotta break out of this rebellious phase ..maybe you should go back to boarding school sooner I don't know.." She said leaving me in disbelief.

"This isn't a rebellious phase it's me in love" i said walking away.

"Hey what's wrong" JJ said as i slammed our drinks on the table and sat down next to him.

"They'll just never understand me"

"Hey I'm sure they'll come around-"

"No no they won't you keep saying that but they're just getting worse"

"Oh sorry" he said sadly

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap .. I just I don't know"

"It's okay really.. how about we ditch this place .. go back to the château before the other do?"

"Yeah .. that's sounds good"

We made it to the Château and changed into more comfortable clothes. JJ was in basketball shorts and a tshirt and I was wearing his hoodie and his sweatpants. We made our way back outside.

"Cmeeere" he said laying on the hammock. Out of habit I looked around to see if anyone was watching.

"No need for all that cupcake secrets out, cat is no longer in bag" he said making me roll my eyes and giggle.

I laid next to him and he put his arm around me.

"This is nice" i said and looked at him and he kissed me.

"Very nice" he said kissing me again.

"I love you" i said softly looking down.

"I love you too.. hey what's wrong? Is it about your parents?"

"Yeah .. they tried to tell me that this , me and you is just me in a rebellious phase.."

"That ridiculous" he said

"I know! Like can they not just let me be happy"

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that Kie let's just ignore them"

"I am but .."

"But what?" He said

"I told them it's not a phase and I'm in love and then she talked about me going back to boarding school early.."

"What the hell?! No no way you're going back before summers over" he said freaking out

"Look at me JJ" i said and he stopped and stared at me.

"Whatever happens .. if I go back early.. i could be gone for 9 months .. I don't want to break up or go on a break .. we can be long distance I know we can make it work" i said and he smiled

"You must really love me" he said with a smirk

"Oh shut up"

"Long distance got nothing on us" he said

"Yeah yeah"

"But really Kie .. I love you a lot nothing with change that" he said and I could feel the butterflies. Then he leaned in and kissed me.

"Are we interrupting something" I heard in a familiar voice. It was Pope.

I went to pull away but JJ pulled me in again.

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