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I cleared my throat to respond but I can’t seem to.

Not that I went mute but even when I wanted to say a thing I didn’t know what to say.

My best friend of a year , which seems like she’s been here for ages, is found with a very confined and ‘I can’t smoke around her’ Louis the Tomlinson.


Bitch really is reaching for her aim.

Taking a final look between all awkward Louis, rubbing the back of his neck, who’s smiling to himself and Jen, who acted all sassy to pretend it was normal to crawl out from under a celebrity’s bed, I turned to Jeff.

I think he had an expression similar to when the ones who haven’t read Harry potter got to know he chose Ginny instead of Hermione.

I read the entire damn series just to solve the same mystery to be honest.

Moves had me fall for the wrong expectations.

Shifting his eyes from Jen to me as he noticed me sharing the same amount of shock, he swallowed, trying to gather something to speak.

We stared at each other in hope to break the silence.

And then.

We laughed out loud enough to wake up every single person on this floor.

It was a careless laugh where we didn’t cover our mouth to swallow the feeling and suppress it but a full volume one.

Stepping next to each other while the laugh was still on a loop, I placed my hand on his chest and he held me by my arms, still unable to control.

Taking a look at Louis and Jen with my eyes that were almost about to water, I think they might call 112 very soon.

They stood there in utter silence, staring between each other and two people who just had probably inhaled a good amount of laughing gas.

Jen had this face that will be confident no matter what comes may but Louis, on the other hand, bit his cheeks, preferring to control his urges to join us.

“Okay!Calm down.” Jeff rubbed my back and I took a deep breath, nodding to him.

“Apply on your very self first.” I pointed a finger at his chest, making me choke on his controlled laugh.

“What the fuck is so funny, huh?” Jen spoke, but weirdly her voice wasn’t that bold bitchy type anymore.

“Nothing.” I gave her a serious look and she rolled her eyes.

“Okay…um I’m caught with fucking red hand thing but don’t you dare...” she stepped forward, having a bit shy look over, pointing a finger towards me.

I hitched as my own laugh was caught in.

I pressed my lips in a line, offering my hands open for her and she narrowed her eyes.

A smile curled up on her beautiful face as she didn’t hesitate to take me in her arms after a long time.

Long time?

I know it was barely a week ago that I last saw her but that would’ve been my last.

Last time she left, it was tehn night that man attacked me in my own room and almost stabbed me to death.

Letting out a sigh of relief, our grip only got more affectionate and I could sense Jen breathing her feeling out.

“I missed you.” She spoke, breaking the contact, still holding me close by my upper arms.

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