Just a dream

203 61 21

Year 2017


“Anne, come down now!” my father screamed down the hall, standing near the staircase.

I popped in my seat, sensing the noticeable anger in his voice but still manage to carry myself out of the room.

Did I do something wrong?

His face red with anger meanwhile my mother standing in the kitchen area with her head down, tears in her eyes.

“Y-yes dad” he barely had air to speak

“What are you doing?” he spoke not expecting an answer.

A confusion over my mind over all the thoughts mixing

“You really thought you could fool me, huh?” rage in his voice was enough to make my heart race, still unable to understand.

Mr. Robert, your daughter isn’t attending her previous two lessons
without any permission granted from my side” he quoted my teacher’s words.


“D-dad it’s…” I barely began but his footsteps rushing towards made me hold my words. He dragged down the hall with his hands gripped tight around my arms, tight enough to give bruises.

“Now explain yourself within 2 minutes or you know what’ll do, right?” he steps closer to my face.
 I couldn’t utter a word. I just stared at my mom’s face, red from the prints I can see on her face.

He slapped her!

Their lied shattered glass plates and some photo frames on the floor all over the dining area.

 “30 seconds” he warned again

“I- I was chosen in one of the school enactment club for the annual year event…” I stuttered with my words and halted when a harsh sensation was felt on my face felt.

He slapped me hard enough to bang me against the floor.

“Fucking told you not to do things like this without my consent” he said while looking down at me, not an ounce of sympathy in his eyes

“Time to go to your favorite place, baby” he smirked lighting a cigarette across his lips now, blowing smoke in this already confiscated scenario.

No dad, please no…mom” I screamed, knowing where he’s taking me.

My mom didn’t even looked at me when he dragged me down the hall.

“I’ll do whatever you’ll say dad, I won’t even step out of room until you’ll ask me to but please don’t…” I pleaded before it’s too late

“Enough Anne, you’re just as deceitful as your mom” was all he spoke, opening the underground garage doors.

Pushing me in the silent darkness
I tried to run and stop him from locking me in but my body hit the wooden door hard to stamp me back to the floor.

A dark that will ultimately kill me

I sat near to the edge of the door, knees to my chest and head resting on it, trying to avoid the view that’s lost in the dark.

Not even a beam or spot of light to be seen.
Same as my Hopeless life!

Every passing seconds, the screams and cry of my own voice scared me more than any paranormal experience.

“Don’t you dare to open the door until I ask you too.” his harsh loud words were heard down hear.

“I’ll never do it again, I’m sorry!” was all I managed to scream for him to hear but no response was shown.

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