I feel it!

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21st October, 2023

It’s The Day.

The first thing I saw in the morning was a notification.

Harry Styles:

“Hope you’ll like it ;)

Scheduled on 7pm BST "

“It’ll do well.” I replied.

“Ready to study, babe?” Jen asked combing her hair, looking at me through her mirror.

“Maybe I won’t go today.” I yawned.

“And why so if I may ask you ma’am.” she asked mockingly.

“Need to talk to mom about a couple of things or it’ll be late by the time we’ll get home”.

And she nods, stepping forward to kiss my forehead messing my hair.

“Take care!”

“You too, mommy.” she laughed a bit at my weird use of words.


“Mom, is dad home?”

“Oh- wait, no he isn’t.” she finally managed to still the phone with a vase.

Thank god

“What is it baby? You seem worried.” She noticed the look on my face.

“I- actually-”

“You can tell me anything.” she smiled wide.

She’s still beautiful

Same vivid blue eyes, pink fuller lips, broad pleasing smile and her brown hair tied up in a messy bun.

I wish I looked like her.

“Mom, you remember when you called me a couple of weeks back...” and she nods.

“Actually I was on a date kind of thing with Noah and I went to a concert too…” I paused

“Seems fine till now.” she smiled

“I met Harry Styles.” I added.

“Seems like you striked off a bucket list thing!" she joked and I laughed.

I was getting nervous now.

“Just say it in one go, okay.” She instructed and I nodded.

“I met Harry last week again and his manger offered to be a part of his music video for once, promising that none of it would leave their premises ever and my identification is going to all safe and under check and I agreed and I know I should’ve asked you before but it just happened so fast that I just went for it and the music video will it out today worldwide but trust me, everything will be same as it used to be and I won’t do that again, I promise!”

Her hands were over her wide opened mouth, still processing what I spoke.

“Oh my god Anne, you know what might happen if your father would know.” She let out a gasp

“I do.”

“I just wanted you to know it and..”

“Anything else to the cardiac attack?” she half smiled.

“I’ve got umm- a fifty thousand dollar check with me.” I spoke hesitantly.

She sprawled her palm over her head, laughing a bit but I’m still not ready to pass a smile in the moment.

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