Game on.

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Following him was like moving in direction to get at a place where a warning sign is indicated with that deadly skull in it.

Knocking a man on shoulder, he whispered something in his ears and his went a bit wide but soon seated back in socket as they caught hint of my presence.


Soon the man smiled a polite face and answered back giving me no clue to what was the exchange between the two.

Meanwhile my mind only weaved it’s own:

Harry- “Is there any isolated place around here so no one can hear when you scream?”

Man- “I’m sure we are prepared special for dark purposes like yours. You won’t be interrupted.

Harry- “I better not be.”


At least I should’ve given Noah a last satisfying goodbye for all I see the door we are approaching labelled as:

Sins begin here.

But I can’t just give up to my thoughts when I can fight back maybe.

Or what if it’s just my mind playing tricks as fear is seizing me with very step we take on the staircase to move a storey up.

“No interruptions.” Harry’s bold voice made me look around the room that we got in.

This room is no better with lights, the dark red shades will only hide my blood strains but my eyes felt relieved as I saw a few people seated in the corner.

“Y’all. Move Out. Now.” His words drew their attention but none seem to argue upon noticing him, which was the most surprising.

Isn’t he the ‘Treat people with kindness’ slogan man for the rest?

Not even a minute later, the 4 people moved out, mumbling shit that can’t be understood.

Noticing his eyes bore into me, it only lowered my blood temperature to freezing.

“Sit.” Was all he ordered and I, for no specific reason, obeyed as an employ.

Grabbing the nearest chair in the corner placed, table for two, I interlocked my fingers again.

Tossing his glass aside that he held since I met him, he reached the chair opposite to me.

But only did something that felt almost weird at the moment.

Dragging the chair, he placed it almost next to mine, close enough that our knees touched as he moved towards the table.

I flinched back.

Ignoring my shift, he placed his hands on the table, leaning forward.


That was all there between us while the loud music was heard from down the floor.

Do they know I’m with him or he’s going to dismiss me without any evidences left?

“Why?” was all I asked as his eyes stared at my locked hands.

His eyes didn’t moves a bit from all of a sudden interruption but his voice finally replied.

“What?” his words only made it further difficult to understand his intention.

“Why are we here?” I put forward a more elaborate questions, expecting an answer.

“Why do you think?” His eyes met mine, but they didn’t had the view I expected.

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