Chapter 01

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That's the term I've been used to call my life as though deep down it never was.

It never will be.

But I just wasn't prepared for what I came across.

My life that was about to take a drastic turn but little did I know it began today!

"Wake up baby or you'll miss the flight." my mom warned &my sleep nearly vanished by the thought of it.

"I'm up mum." I said almost tripping as I was rubbing my eyes that were still half closed.

I glanced at the mirror, seeing my face that can actually scare the shit out of people.

Maybe that's why you should bath?

I took a warm bath , got dressed in a orange crop top and a pair of ripped jeans, combed my hair with curled tips from the bun I made last night and looked for the final time at my room before going downstairs to see my mum ready with the breakfast.

I took the stairs down to the dining room, filled with noises from the kitchen.

My dad took a look at me before reaching back to the newspaper, keeping the cold face.

"Pack all your stuff. Make sure you won't forget anything." My mom said for a hundredth time since yesterday making me doubt my confidence.

"Don't worry mum! Atleast I won't bother you this time for my stuff." I spoke but I know it hurted my mum reminding her of me leaving her for the first time.

How could I when she's is the only one that seems to acknowledge me.

The only person who'll be affected with my absence will be her or either my sister, who within days will wipe me off her day's conversations too, because she's moving out.

My dad, on the other hand, would rather sit quiet than to go in his contribution.

I don't expect much from a family of 4 people who are, more specifically, now independent of each other.

Maybe that how it works at my place.

At the airport

"Take care on time..keep calling us..don't stay up for too long.." A long set of instructions recited right on my face.

It was something that kept giving a feel of leaving without them but I'm happy I'm moving towards my dreams that I've long awaited for.

"Okay! I'll call you mum.Don’t worry about me.Take care! I'll call as soon as possible." I assured as my final good bye at the airport and my mom planting a final kiss on my forehead , my sister giving me a hug and dad just a wave which is now how I'm used to it.

I'm literally dumb when it comes to flight phobia but then 'a loop in the air' thing made me giggle to myself.

What if I screamed?

Or worse

What if I just grabbed someone's crotch.

As I settled on my seat and put the headphones on, thoughts popped in my head.

It's going to be a new journey for me to be in London

I'm a random 21 year old girl who living upto her parent's expectation and fulfilling their dreams.

Well, who isn't, right?

Not that I don't like what I'm doing but my choice of going for a 'non- recognized and respected' profession wasn't invited.

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