Startling upheaval!

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"The University Chancellor has an urge to see you, Anne" the professor announced.



I forced my feet to step towards the room I was inching closer every second I followed my professor.

With every passing second, new horrible outcomes are popping in my head.

I really just wanted to escape this. I don’t know why but it just doesn’t feel right from the very morning, rain knocking my senses as usual.

The door was knocked by the professor, gathering both the principal and I’s attention to the meet.

“Anne…thank goodness you came!” he exhaled a breath of relief.

“There’s someone who urgently wants to talk to you.” He added, leading me to sit down on one of the chair in front of his desk.

The professor leaving us alone in the room.

“I’m sorry sir but who’s it?” I asked being hint less about who it might be.

“Here! Have a word” he handed his phone to me and I hesitantly placed it on my phone.

I saw the tension gathered concentrated on his face, but he’s still trying to be as calm and composed in front of me.

“Hello” words fell from my mouth as my throat was dry.

Anne is that you” a similar, before heard male voice echo in my ear.

Jeff Azoff!

“Yeah…Jeff?” I tried to clarify.

Yes it’s me.” He spoke as slow as possible but his voice is in a hurry.

Listen Anne! I want you to gather your stuff and meet my driver parked outside the premises.

There are some serious stuffs happening around and I want you to be safe. Already had a talk with your principle to let you out.” He spoke hurriedly.

Everything is turning upside down.

“But why?”  I asked confuse

I tell you everything once I see you but for time being, please just do as I ask you to.” I can her the please in his voice.

“Tell her to being that friend of hers too” a voice was heard in his background.

It’s Harry’s

What is going on with these two calling us to skip the day out of nowhere.

My heart is literally beating loud and throbbing against my chest, everything going damn silent.

You still there” he spoke again at my quietness.

“I’m” was all that slipped.

You can bring a person along if you want but don’t waste minutes, okay?” he sounded worried now.

I ended the call with a ‘hmm’ sound, turning to face the professor.

“Do you know-?” I barely finished my question.

“I wish I knew what is it but unfortunately no” he gave a shake of head.

“I’ll go” I tried to esape anyone’s sight.

I walked as fast as I could but trust me, it seems as if I’m taking a step forward an taking three back.

I really wanted my heart to stop beating so fast or I might crash downright a sofa now.

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