Chapter 30: The world that we built on. (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"And that's why we had to do this," a male voice replied before lowering to a whisper. "As much as I dislike the councilman, he shows results."

"Shh, they might hear you even if you whisper. Let's just finish sorting this stuff and leave."

The man's voice returned to its normal level, "Well we're almost done. Most the good stuff is already on board the fortress."

"But what about those... things?"

"Apparently the knights are getting a special tool to move them."

"But they're children aren't they?" the women's voice shivered. "To think the church would actually create homunculi."

"Yeah, but why make their hair so vivid. It's like they wanted to set them apart on purpose."

Kyle couldn't hold back any longer. The words the two spoke already struck him with a deep nervousness but it was Lillia who had pushed him over the ledge. Her skin pale and expression frozen. The desire to know and the fear that she'd rather not. Reina moved to grab him but it was too late as Kyle peeked around the corner and directly in line of sight of the Lavise knight who just happened to gaze in their direction. Though they stood on the far end of the room, their trained eyes were much too keen to miss the movement.

"What-," the knight went to draw his weapon but Kyle was faster. He sprang into the room and leapt from the floor to the wall boosting him across the tables and clutter. Had the knight went for their sword they might have stood a chance, but the rifle took too long to prepare and as Kyle descended onto them it was an easy victory. Like Melissa had explained he disarmed the knight precisely. First their weapon, then to pin their arms and finally to remove their helmet so backup couldn't be called.

"Stay still if you don't want to die, please" Kyle threatened the knight.

"I-I give!" the knight who turned out to be female surrendered. It wasn't just from the difference in their positions but also the sincere gaze Kyle stared down at her with.

"Are there any more of you here?"

"It's only me in this area," she replied honestly.

Kyle pulled her up and removing the rest of her equipment, tied her hands together behind her. Melissa wondered over halfway and picked up the knight's helmet.

"Hey could you say a few lines for me?" Melissa asked as she began to play with the helmet.

"What do you mean?" the women looked at her confused.

"'What do you mean?'" Melissa mimicked perfectly and gave her the thumbs up.

Reina and Lillia had covered the entrances to the room, leaving the man and woman who had been chatting in the centre. They were not reacting well and clinging to each other tightly, too afraid to say anything.

"We're not going to hurt you," Kyle said leaving the knight to Melissa. "We just want to know what you're doing here."

The man spoke clearly anxious, "We're researchers working for Lavise. We were told to help sort the data the Church had kept hidden. Please we weren't part of the attack force!"

"Okay, stay calm," Kyle stood a few steps away. "What data have you collected?"

The women replied, a little less shaken now, "Research notes, some test samples. Our field of study involves golemancy, we create golems. Not for war though! To help people."

"Then the homunculi you mentioned? Where are they?"

"They're in the room down the far end of the corridor but...."


The man replied as Kyle's stare became more intense, "There are quite a few knights in there. Our job was to sort what was important but we weren't allowed to look into anything deeply."

Reina stepped in, "Kyle it's clear they won't be much help. We can interrogate them later. What are your names?"

"I'm Andre and this is Martha," the man gulped.

"We're going to tie you up and leave you here. So long as you don't get in our way we won't hurt you but should you try to contact anyone, you're punishment will not be light."

Compared to Kyle, Reina's glare was an entire level more frightening and the two researchers nodded with a fearful intensity.

"As for you," she turned to the knight and scowled. "Let's have a bit more of a chat."

Forced on to a chair the knight was made to face them. Lillia and Melissa watched the exit and any communication to the knight was replied by Melissa as she mimicked the knight's voice near perfectly.

"What is Councilman Tombre's goal?" Reina asked intently.

"His goal is to uproot the Church and control our world on his own terms," the knight replied all too easily, even frowning.

"You don't seem so happy about that."

Her frown turned into a scowl, "Not all of us signed up to follow his beck and call. All of this... it's too much."

"Then why did you come?" Reina folded her arms.

"You're a soldier like I am, orders are orders." Her eyes glazed, "Guilt is something we can't afford, no matter who we left behind. Look, I'll tell you what you need to know and if you somehow win after all of this, just know not all of us wanted to be part of this."

Kyle looked to Reina, his heart shaken by the knight's words. He had done irreparable damage and possibly taken the lives of the knights who came after them. While he knew it had to be done to survive, it still didn't set well inside him.

The 2nd Officer noticed, "Don't just believe everything she says Kyle. It may have truth to it but don't bleed out your heart for them."

"I understand," he nodded and hardening his expression faced the knight. "What's your name?"

For a moment she held Kyle's gaze, "Talia Burns."

"Then Talia, if you're words are true then help us. We want to end this with as little bloodshed as possible."

She breathed deeply and sighed, "You're lucky I was the on duty here. I'll tell you what you need."

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