Chapter twenty-five🫶🏼

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I smiled at how he used my name without knowing it. Romeo had left so it was just me and Rain in my room. The air felt tense as I looked around my room. Rain cleared his throat and looked at the door. "There is a Zion here for you. Have a good day Ev." I smiled at the back of his head while he closed my door.

I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth while almost slipping on my head a few times. I finally got my black Air Jordans and ran out of my bedroom door with my phone and bag in my hands.

I heard Marco in the kitchen so I ran in there to at least tell him goodbye before I left. As I ran in there I froze in my spot at the scene in front of me. Zion was sitting on the chair while Rain sat next to him with a cigarette hanging from his plump lips. Marco was leaning on the fridge while Alessandro cleaned his gun like it was a normal thing to do.

I walked into the kitchen and Marco glared at Zion while reaching over and pulling me into a side hug. "Morning hun, what do you want for breakfast?" His voice sounded the same as always but his face kept a glare.

I hugged him back while slightly nodding to the door. Zion got the hint and did a weird handshake with Rain before walking out of the kitchen. Once I heard the front door close I looked up at Marco and smiled sweetly at him.

Rain watched me and I felt his gaze on me as I started to talk to Marco, it was almost enough to make me nervous but it gave me butterflies which was odd. "I really have to go, I will have a big lunch I promise." As his mouth started to open I ran over to Alessandro and gave him a quick hug before running out of the door.

As I ran out of the door my body collided with the front door and I slowly slid down the door while holding my nose, I wanted to shoot myself when I saw Rain from the corner of my eye. Rain walked out of the kitchen and when he saw me he quickly ran over to my side.

He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face as I threw my head back with a small laugh. He let out a small groan and when I opened my eyes he just closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "Not broken, your fine." As he spoke his voice came out deeper and raspier than normal.

He finally opened his eyes and I smiled at him as he started to help me off of the floor. He opened the door for me and I smiled while walking out toward Zion's car. Before I got too far away Rain told me to be careful and I nodded my head.

Zion had his head down as I glared at him. I got tired of the quietness so I spoke up with a calm but agitated tone. "No call, not even a text last night. What are you doing here Zion? My brothers will kill you if they all knew you were here." I watched as he gulped at my last sentence.

He said nothing as he simply opened the passenger door. That simple move got under my skin as I walked over to the door and shut it. Zion ran a hand down his face as he shook his head. "Get in the car, Evelyn. I just wanna talk." His tone almost sounded like HE was the one losing sleep over me.

I shook my head at the same time the front door opened. Romeo walked out with Rain behind him holding a file in his large hands. I looked at Romeo and then looked at Zion in silent communication.

I glanced over to see Rain putting a shiny knife into his pocket as he held a machine gun in his free hand. I looked at Zion and shook my head. "Romeo can take me. Right Romeo?" I heard the door open again and this time Luca walked out of the front door.

His fitted suit was dark grey with a black under shirt. He didn't look up from his phone as he tucked a gun into the waist band of his pants. I could feel Zion's gaze on me but I never looked at him.

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