All We Need part. 3 ch 24

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"All We Need Part 3 ch 24"
At Patrick/Robin-Patrick and Robin, we're having breakfast with Anna and Robert and Emma and Matthew."I can't believe that Jax is gone "Me too "Can you look into it"I will "Thanks "Matthew,I'm glad you're back Have you seen Maxie "Not yet"Oh"

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the living room when David cane by."I cannot believe that more Quartermaine keep coming back "Yes"Monica was feeling sad."You wish that Alan was alive"I'm sorry "Don't be you are allowed to feel that way"Thanks I'm glad you understand "As Victor and Alexandra Came by,"Good morning "Good morning "We are getting to the Hospital to get a DNA test"They left.

At ELQ-Ned was showing Teddy around the building."Who run ELQ "Michael and Skye But you are my son and Sure run it with them"Thanks "Michael came Into the office."Michael, I'm sorry about Josslyn and Jax he was a great businessman "Yes he was" Michael this is my son Teddy and I would like him to work here with you" Sure, I could use it, but Skye is the CEO" Yes"

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was holding Sydney when Alexis came into the room."Skye,I Need to talk to you"About What"Jax,he left me his estate but I want you to help me with the funeral "Sure,I cannot believe this happened "I know"Skye was thinking about a secret about Jax."Skye,What is it"Before Jax left he told me something "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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