Part 32 - "Well i hope so but let's forget the past "-

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Luke lalu berdiri untuk mematikan lampu sebelum dia naik ke atas tempat tidur. Aku tertidur di atas dadanya dan aku juga bisa merasakan detak jantungnya. Well, aku sangat ngantuk hari ini dan juga lelah. Tapi aku sangat senang dengan hari ini.

Pada malamnya aku terbangun oleh suara orang yang berbicara. Terdengar seperti suara Luke tapi itu tidak mungkin. Aku membalikkan diri dan melihat Luke tidak ada disampingku. What? Berarti itu Luke yang sedang berbicara. Terdengar suara Luke yang sedang berbicara dengan seorang perempuan. Aku mengambil HPku yang ada di bawah bantal dan menyalahkan screennya. Aku melihat jam dan sekarang jam 2 lewat 13 menit.

Aku melihat ke arah pintu kamar yang masih terbuka sedikit. Well, aku segera bangun dari tempat tidur dan perlahan menghampiri pintu kamar. Pertama aku bisa melihat Luke berdiri di dekat tembok dengan tangannya yang memegang tembok, lalu aku melihat Stephanie berbicara dengannya. Fuck. What the hell? Aku ngumping dari balik pintu ini.

"I hope we can do that moment again, that was so fun!" Aku mendengar suara Stephanie.

"Well, i hope so but let's forget the past," ucap Luke.

"I never forget the way we hit each other every red light, never forget the way you kissed me at the stop sign and.. Do you remember when we you were drive me out of town and then we got lost?" Fuck? What? Well i dont understand. Apa yang mereka sedang bicarakan?

"Fuck. I remember that. We got drunk at that time, we drank so many vodka and shit. That was nice memories," jelas Luke. Oh god what's happening. Apa yang mereka bicarakan?

"Have you told her about your love story?" What does she mean 'her'? Love story? She meant Lukes love story?

"Nope. Im afraid she will get angry and stuff, i just tell her about me and Angelina," Luke menjawab dengan lembut. Aku menahan semua emosiku. Aku ingin berteriak tapi, malam ini cukup sepi dan jika aku mengeluarkan suara sedikutpun. Mereka akan tahu kalau aku sedang menguping.

"Why not? Let's get out and do that shit and stuff for the last time," fuck aku melihat Stephanie merangkul leher Luke dengan kedua tangannya. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. She's the actual slut!

"No no no, i have Violin. She's my girlfriend right now, i dont want her to get hurt,"

"Really? You really love her?"

"I do love her, you just dont understand,"

"I do understand!" Suara Stephanie mulai agak sedikit membentak. "Look, you used to bully her and you love her? What an impossible fact. I do understand your attitude, Luke. I used to be your girlfriend too for about one and half year before you dated Angelina. I know you dated Angelina just because she's famous and you wanna be famous too. Well, now you date Violin? You use Violin for what?" Aku merasa lemas seketika. Jantungku berdetak cepat dan aku bisa merasakan ada sesuatu yang memukulku di bagian perutku.

"Fuck im not that kind of boy. I really love her, i fucking love her. You just jelaous," jelas Luke.

"Really? You fell in love with her just because you bullied her? fuck Luke, i understand your fucking attitude. You dated me but you cheated on me with Angelina then we broke up. You dated Angelina then you cheated on her with Violin and broke up then whos next? Who will you date and cheat on?"

"Shut up, you need to calm your voice. it's night,"

"You're fucking playboy, Luke! I know youve never really fallen in love with someone include me. You didnt really love me, did you? I just wanna you to really love me but fuck you! You just used me to do sex with you. Thats enough, Luke!" Aku melihat Stephanie melepaskan tangannya dari leher Luke dan mulai berjalan. "Just reminder, i still love you Luke fucking Hemmings."

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