Chapter 39

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As we are approaching the last days of school, I should be treasuring every last moment with my friends and my BOYFRIEND. But instead I have a meeting with Ms. Rivoli.

I walk into her office, confident and happy, not nervous, not anxious, not annoyed.

"Hey Lucy, you look good, lighter, today. How are you?"

"I am good. Really good. And I made my decision."

Ms. Rivoli looks at me, waiting.

"I am going to defer." I pause.

"I love it, I love that decision Lucy, I think it's a great idea for you. And I am so excited for you."

"And then San Sebastian."

"Love it, again, really love it. What a great decision," she pauses. "Is that it then? Do you need anything else from me?"

I think for a minute. I really don't. But it's so hard to say goodbye. But I've already sent in my acceptance and deferral. I'm really done. Phew.

"No? How weird is that?" and we laugh.

I go behind her desk and give Ms. Rivoli one last hug.

"Thanks for everything."

"Anytime Lucy, and please visit when you're back in town. I am so looking forward to see what you do next. I know this isn't the last that I'll hear of Lucy Windover."

I blush. But as I am terrible with goodbyes, I just awkwardly walk out and head to the cafeteria to find Claire, Grace, Miles and Michael. My people.

As I walk towards their table in the cafeteria, Michael gets up and walks towards me.

"Hey, I just have to talk to you quick," and he pulls me towards an empty table. I look at Claire and Grace to see if they know what this is about, they both shrug.

I follow him and sit down.

"You know how I said I have an idea about your last column?"

I nod.

"How do you feel about telling everyone in person?"

I look at him confused, "What do you mean?"

And then Michael spends the rest of the lunch hour explaining his plan to me.

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