Chapter 28

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The first Monday back at school after the holidays is always a funny one. It's a bit like the first day of school in the fall, everything feels a bit new and a bit like a do-over... but without the gift of time to let bygones be bygones.

So here I am, back at school, feeling a bit better about school itself, being grounded can really help pull up those grades. But still caught up as the odd one out in a best friend love triangle that makes navigating the halls a loaded and stressful adventure.

And just before the first class bell rings, my phone buzzes.

Are you ready to go rogue? This is your last chance to back out.

Oh shit.

I still don't know what you're up to. But I think I am still in.

He responds right away. Perfect. Goes live tomorrow.

I put my phone back in my pocket and start walking to class. As I look up, I see Grace, Miles and Claire walking in my direction. I do my usual that I have been doing since this whole thing started and stare at the ground. Real smooth. Consistently the smoothest person at this school.

But just before I pass them, I look up. Claire's and my eyes meet and, I think, I am not sure, but I think I am mostly sure, that she gives me a little tiny grin.

And then we've passed each other. I keep walking but I can't hide the smile growing on my face.


After a horrible sleep, I wake up on Tuesday with a headache and a weird feeling in my stomach. Today is the day. We are publishing my rant, somehow, and definitely without permission.

At least it's anonymous.

But I am ready for this, I think I am at least.

I walk into school and again there is that familiar buzz, a bit of excitement and mischief in the air. Something is up and I know it is Green Star Girl related.

But what is it? What exactly did the editor do?

And then I see it, well I see them, everywhere. Fluorescent green paper, single pieces of paper, EVERYWHERE.

I pick one up, which isn't hard to do, the papers are literally covering every surface. On the floor, on the benches, taped on lockers.

On one side is a huge star with "Girl" written in the middle and on the other, is my latest rant, well more what I would call my personal essay about that carefree feeling.

I wasn't so sure about going rogue, mostly because I didn't know what it was, and also because I wondered if the column could really live outside of the paper, but it seems to be working. Every person I see is reading it or at least grabbing a green paper and putting it in their bag. My words, once again, are being noticed and being read. By everyone.

It feels good.

I walk to class and sit down and read my words once again. As I look around and see everyone with their fluorescent green paper.

This. Is. Awesome.

I text the editor.

And then, I put my phone away, grab my notebook and, as the teacher begins his lecture, I start taking notes. No distractions in 2003.


I get home from school, still excited about our rule breaking, and realize that I haven't thought about Sam all day. OMG Sam! I need to tell him about what we just pulled off. I know he might think I am immature sometimes, but this is pretty cool. Rebel WITH a cause. The best kind.

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