Chapter 33

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It's finally here. First date date night.

Claire and Grace have come over to help me get ready.

I didn't tell my mom that I was going on a date because the pressure already feels high enough. But she knows I am not going out with Claire and Grace tonight. She knows I am meeting up with someone named Michael. I'm not lying. I just haven't explicitly told her that it is a date. Although she has 100% figured it out.

She keeps poking her head in as I am trying on outfits. And then adds her two cents.

"Oh, I like that. Does Michael like the colour red?"

First of all, yes, she clearly knows. But secondly, how on earth would I know if Michael likes the colour red? And if he did, would I really choose to wear red?

"God mom."

And she sneaks away, back downstairs, only to appear again in a bit I am sure.

"I think this is the winner," says Claire about my loose red t-shirt and faded skinny jeans. "Plus, now we'll finally be able to find out if Michael likes red."

"Hilarious," I say as I shoot Claire a look. But I do agree. This is a good outfit. Cute and effortless. And comfy!

I look at both of them. Shrug my shoulders and decide, "I guess it's time to head out."

I am meeting Michael downtown, we are going to grab some food somewhere, his words, and Claire and Grace are going to a movie so we've decided to just walk together. That also pleases my mom who likes to know where I am, how I am getting anywhere and who I am with at all times. I mean, I don't blame her, even if it is a bit suffocating.


We arrive outside the movie theatre. Michael has suggested we meet in front of the mural on Main St. I cringed a bit when he suggested it, realizing that maybe I wasn't the only person to think of using the mural to appear cool. But it is only a block from the theatre and it is a great mural. Plus, there is a bench in front of it so I can sit and not look so awkward if I am early. Or if he is late.

I give Claire and Grace a hug and they head into the theatre, Claire giving me the double thumbs up and walking backwards the whole way in. My face goes full red.

I slowly walk over to the mural. Michael isn't there yet. I take a seat on the bench, facing the wall and take a moment to really look at the piece.

It's beautiful. And has stood the test of time. No one has painted on top of it. It's too beautiful to ruin. And the more I look at it, the more intricate details I notice, and while I am doing that, Michael walks up and sits down next to me and startles me so badly that I literally jump up onto my feet.

"Oh my god, you scared me!"

"I really do need to work on my approach with you," and we both laugh.

Once the laughs have died down, we look at each other, not sure what to do in this moment. Not knowing what else to do, I go in for a hug and he hugs me back.

"What's the plan?" I ask as I pull away.

"I wanted to take you to my favourite restaurant," and he grabs my hand and we start walking. He turns right and we walk off Main Street which is confusing to me because, as far as I know, there are no restaurants off Main Street. All I can see are houses.

But then, as we approach a cute, white detached house about a half a block from Main Street, I notice a small sign on the door.


That's all it says.

"After you," Michael says as he opens the door.

"Ya, no way that's happening. I am not walking in first into someone's house," and I spin around him, forcing him to enter first.

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