It's a?.

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"They escaped?." Crystal asked them again. After the trio escaped, they all came back to Crystal's room, and told her what happened. Crystal was angry, but as the Healer had advised, she can't overwork herself. So she asked them again. "Yes. They escaped. But I think in the process I killed that elf." Bellatrix said proudly, at her accomplishment. "One thing. I asked you one thing, and this is how you do it. For Salazar sake, you are The Dark Lord. Ring any bells. He can't just stun you, 'Peek a boo' you all, and escape like it's every day thing!." Crystal was loosing her cool. "Well we didn't knew that he'll think of something to get them out." Crouch said, and started pacing. "You should be thankful for the fact, that I'm not cursing you all. And remember, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean that I can't use my magic. Just do as I say.' looking at Voldemort she said, 'Show him a vision, of your diadem. They'll take that biat and will reach Hogwarts. Now prepare for the final battle. It will take them good time to reach there, as you all are looming around. And till then I maybe, join you all for the battle.' looking at Narcissa she asked, with adorably, 'Well, where is Dora and Fluer?." "I informed them, they'll be here by tomorrow, as both the girls are heavily pregnant." Anna replied, and Crystal grinned at them, "Cool." And went back reading the pregnancy book.

When the Golden trio reached the Burrow, they saw that Kingsley, Remus, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were there. Dobby, swayed a little, and attracted Harry's attention. "Dobby?. Dobby!." He saw the knife through him. He carefully took out the knife from Dobby. He was trying to heal Dobby, "Hermione help me." But she just shook her head. Dobby started talking, "Such beautiful day, such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend." Harry desperately tried to ask for help. "Hermione please do something." But she shook her head, knowing that she can't do anything for Dobby. "Harry Potter." And Dobby didn't take any other breath after that. Harry was devastated by his Death. Dobby was really good elf. Hermione and Ron join them, and Ron closed Dobby's eyes. But looks like Dobby was not the only one to die. Inside the Burrow, Hermione's parents are also dead. Apparently, Voldemort had cursed them, if they ever escaped, they'll die. Hermione was traumatized. The only thing she wanted to do was to keep her parents safe, but looks like no one was safe against Voldemort. "Harry?. Where is Crystal?." Molly asked, after they buried Dobby. "Lestrange killed her. He choked her to death." Ron said, as Harry and Hermione were both not in a position to talk. "When did this happen?." Kingsley asked, and Remus looked at them puzzled. "We were captured by Death Eaters, just few hours ago. They took us to Malfoy Manor, and Bellatrix asked Malfoy to recognise us. He did. And then, Lestrange killed her. I was the reason she was killed, because she was with me." Harry said, and broke down. "She was not only one he killed. Crystal was pregnant." Hermione argued, and that made Remus sigh in relief, that Crystal had indeed faked her Death. 'How come she fakes all the deaths.' Remus thought. "We should bury your parents also Hermione." Arthur looked at Grangers' and Hermione nodded. As they were doing the final rituals, Harry had a vision. He saw Ravenclaw flag, and common room. He gasped and they all looked at him. "Harry what? What is it?." Remus asked him. "I had a vision. I think it's the final Horcrux, it's something related to Ravenclaw. We have to go to Hogwarts." Harry told them. Hermione and Ron were a little wary about this plan, and this time, when they started the journey, Molly had packed them a good amount of food, to last till Hogwarts. Remus took his leave and went to the Manor.

When he entered the Manor, he saw his wife, Nymphadora, Fluer, Bill's wife, and Crystal all talking and laughing. "Remus. You're here. How did it go?." Dora was the first to see him, and acknowledged his presence. Now everyone was looking at him, and he blushed a little at everyone's attention. "It went good. The elf is dead, courtesy Bellatrix, Hermione's parents are also dead, courtesy Dark Lord. And Harry is off to Hogwarts." Remus said, but Voldemort furrowed his eyebrows at him. "I didn't do anything to her parents." "It was me. I cursed them." Crystal grinned at them, and explained. "I invented the curse. Only drawback of this curse is that the person you want to kill have to be captured for 24 hours, and the moment they escape, sadly they'll die." She bit on the chocolate frog and went back talking with the girls. "She surely is very powerful." Remus exclaimed loudly, and looked at the girls. The rest nodded. The girls were talking about baby clothes, baby genders. Well Dora was going to have a baby boy, and Fluer was having baby girl. "Well I also want to know my baby's gender." She pouted and looked at Draco, who didn't know how to fulfill this demand. "We'll go tomorrow. Just disguise yourself, and we'll know the gender." Bellatrix said, and Narcissa and Anna both nodded, meaning that they both will be joining the group. "I would have come with you, but looks like I can't." Dora said, pointing towards her 9 months stomach, she was due anyday. And then there was Fluer, who was 8 months along. "Aww. Don't worry. Can't we bring the Healer here only." She requested Voldemort, who knew not to anger the pregnant women, infront of him, he sighed and said, "Fine. But it better be some Death Eater. I can't risk your health with anyone or anything again. Which reminds me, we still have to give you scolding of keeping the pregnancy from us." There were series of agreement, and she slumped back. "Not fair. Ok tell me, do anyone among you know who were the Marauders?." Crystal asked, and Remus and Sirius both stiffened. "Why?." Their question was a little too sharp. "Well looks like the one who invented this' taking out the map, 'Was bloody brilliant. You can actually access to every room, every hallway, every secret passage of Hogwarts from this. You both are one of them. Aren't you?." She asked Remus and Sirius, who nodded, proudly. "James Potter. My friend. Well who was killed by Him." Remus said pointing at Voldemort. "Well if old coot would have been very specific to you all. He would have been alive. Well there were two people, with the Prophecy, Longbottoms' and Potters'. But old coot Dumbledore made Potters' the victim of Voldy here.' Both marauders were disgusted by Dumbledore after that, and thankful that he was dead. 'Coming back to the topic, Potter used to keep an eye on Draco through this, and also on the school while we were hunting fake Horcrux." "But I saw the map with him, when he was about to leave for Hogwarts. How is it with you?." Remus asked her, to which she smiled and said, "That is duplicated one. This is the real one. So was the Sword. Golden duo thinks it's real, when he took it from here. Well the thing with Gryffindor Sword is, it does not stay with anyone. If a true Gryffindor needs it, it'll appear to help him, other than that. It won't be with you long enough." After explaining things to them, she went to her room, where she slept, as she was exhausted. Draco took her hand in his, and kissed the back of her hand. "I Love you, Crys. And I love you too, little buddy." He said kissing her baby bump, and caressed the bump for sometime. Unknown to him, both the set of parents were looking at this sweet moment, and gave a content smile, that both the children were happy to have each other, and this baby.

A guilt ridden Golden duo, were leading the way to Scotland. They tried but couldn't sleep well. Crystal's wide eyes, her trying to free herself from Lestrange, and then her dropping down, and not breathing. This all was haunting them. They held themself responsible for this all. Harry had told Hermione, he should not have allowed Crystal to travel with them, after Hermione told him about her being pregnant. But now when Ron thought about it. Who was the Father of the child? What if the father was someone who they knew, and was waiting for Crystal to come back, with his child. "Hermione.' Harry started and she looked at him, with wide eyes, as they all were disguised with polyjuice potion. "Sorry. But did. Did Crystal told you who was the father of her child?." He asked in hushed tone. Hermione thought about her confrontation with her, and shook her head. "No when I confronted her, she was so engrossed into crying and telling me not to tell you that,' she sighed, guilty look on her face, 'That I didn't ask her about the Father of the child." Ron nodded and Harry looked at them both. "Why did you ask?." "I was thinking that who ever was the Father, would be waiting for them to come back. I don't know what I'll do, if it was someone who was close to us, and will hold us responsible for both their deaths." When put it that way, they knew that they were responsible, but then for someone to acknowledge it, was something they didn't want to face.

"What the hell!. No I won't. I will never." Fred was pacing in Crystal's room, with George on the couch, and both Crystal and Draco on the bed. Crystal had told him to tell Potter and Co. that he was the Father of Crystal's baby. To say both the twins and Draco were shocked would be an understatement. As Fred was pacing, Anna and Rabastan entered the room, along with the Healer. "What's going on?." Anna asked but Crystal shook her head. "Will tell you, after I know the gender of my baby." The healer, did some diagnosis, and was looking intently at the graph. "Hmm, Ms. Fawley. From last time I checked you, the baby is now healthy, proper nutrition is being given to both you and baby. Not to forget, in May you'll be expected to deliver the baby. Now' he again waved his wand, and the orb grew blue in colour. 'Congratulations. It's a boy!." The Healer said to Draco and Crystal, and they both beamed at each other. Draco kissed Crystal fiercely. "Thankyou Love. For this beautiful feeling. Thankyou." Crystal had tears in her eyes because of his words. The Healer then addressed Rabastan and said, "Mr. Lestrange. I was told that Madam Bellatrix also wanted to have checkup, can you lead me to them." Everyone was confused. Bella needed a checkup?. "Yes sure. Please follow me." Rabastan took the Healer, and Crystal asked her mother. "Mom. Is she ok?." Anna shook her head and said, "I don't know. She was ok till yesterday. I'll see what this is. Till then you all gather in the living room."

When Crystal and Draco reached the living room, they all were happy. Both looked at each other, confused. "Ok. As much as I love the smiles on your faces. What's the matter?." Crystal announced their arrival, and took a seat with pregnant women in the room, as the couch was comfortable to sit in. "Bella is pregnant!." Narcissa said enthusiastically, making Crystal choke on her water. She was coughing uncontrollably, and Draco was rubbing her back. "How. Well don't answer that. Which month?." She asked savagely. "Second month." Bella replied, and Rodolphus kissed her forehead. "Urgghhhhh. My stomach can't take these kind of intimacy from you. Don't every be mushy in front of me. I may throwup." Crystal said, and they all laughed at her. "Ok Fred are you ready for it or not." The question sobered everyone. "How can I do that Crys. That will be awful." Fred replied while dramatically throwing his hands in the air. "What is this?. What doesn't he want to do?." Rabastan asked. "I asked him to claim that the child was his, infront of Golden duo. Nothing major." "Why would he?!." Narcissa was up to her son's defence. "Mum. No need to be dramatic. Atleast after claiming the child as yours, you can say or choose to be on the Dark side. You can betray them on their faces, and no one will say why. If till the battle I would have delivered the baby, I'll join you and tell everyone that the baby is Draco's. If not, who's there to point it out. Every Death Eater know I'm here." She shrugged. Everyone thought about it, and Narcissa and Lucius were shocked at Crystal calling Narcissa 'Mum', that they didn't know how to react. Her plan, was good. And after contemplating pros and cons about it, Fred agreed.

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