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When the mother daughter duo reached back, the first thing that Crystal did was that she went to her room and drew the map of the fortress. She made all the details of the areas they went through. She then went to the library and gathered all the books on Azkaban.
Anna looked at her daughter, who exited the room and sighed. "How was the meeting?." Lucius asked and Anna told them what had happened there. Crystal came back and had her dinner. A little difficult at first bite but then smoothly finished. Then she went outside with Snape having a watch over her, and she recited the incantation. When they returned, Anna looked at Snape and said, "Rabastan wants you to be her Godfather." "What?." Snape asked and Crystal stood there beaming at him. "No young lady. Wait!." But she didn't heard any of his protests and hugged him tightly. He huffed but eventually hugged her back. And much to his chagrin, Draco also hugged him and explicit laughter from the parents. "We share same Godfather." Draco exclaimed happily, and Crystal scrunched her nose at him. "Adorable." Draco booped her nose, making her blush. Anna smirked at her daughter, and then looked at Narcissa. "He wants you to be her Godmother." Narcissa's eyes widened, and became little misty. "Why not me as her Godfather?." Lucius exclaimed dramatically. "Exactly the reason why." Making them all laugh again, and Lucius was scowling at them.

"When are you going to talk again. I'm bored." Draco asked Crystal when they were sitting at the bench in the garden. She counted the days and held up her 8 fingers. He sighed and asked, "I miss your voice." while she placed her head on his shoulder. They both looked at the pond, near them. Her hands in his securely, he was drawing some pattern on her palm. A calm atmosphere around them. He lifted his head and kissed the crown of her head, "I like you Crystal. Really like you alot but I think this is how I'm ever going to confess it. While you are here sleeping on my shoulder, your hands in my hands, but still' he wrapped his other hand on her shoulder and bought her a little close to him. 'I'm happy like this." He summoned his elf and told him to get a blanket for them both. He draped the blanket on them and slept with a slight smile on his face. That's how exactly, both mothers' found them before dawn.

Anna shook both of them, waking them up, and Crystal saw that it was before dawn and looked around for Snape. He nodded at her, and they both stood at a distance, and she recited the incantation. Hearing her voice for the first time, in 22 days, was like a dream come true. Draco smiled brightly at her, and then they both went inside to sleep again. This time in his room. They both curled in his bed and drifted off to sleep.

It was finally the day of the full moon again. Snape took Crystal to an island. It was clear sky, and moon was shining beautifully upon them. He made her to spit the leaf from her mouth into the vial, which was within the range of moon's rays. Then she added her hair strand. Then took full silver teaspoon of the dew he had collected from the untouched side of the Manor's garden. Adding the chrysalis of the Death's-head hawk moth. Snape took the vial and placed it in the small cottage closet where they will be living for few days. "Now we wait, for the storm. You keep repeating the incantation every dusk and dawn, till then." Crystal nodded and looked at Snape and said, "Can you teach me Legilimency?. Or Occlumency?." He shook his head and facepalmed himself. "Of course you'll ask that now. How much have you read?." She smiled at him and told him her research.

After two days finally there was a chance of electrical storm, and Crystal waited for it. The moment she realised that the storm was coming, she looked at Snape, who gave her a nod. She was almost drenched in the rain, when she recited the incantation this time, and drank the potion. Heavy rainfall, lightening and thundering soaring around her. She kept repeating the incantation and even was having difficulty in completing the incantation, when just few feets away a lightening struck on the ground and a blinding light surrounded her, and she heard a second heartbeat. The light vanished and everything went black. "CRYSTAL?." Snape shouted and lighted his wand. He kept frantically trying to search her when he heard a screeching sound and looked up and saw a black eagle. The eagle took some loops and landed on his arm. She looked at him and then turned back to her human form. "I did it!." She screamed and hugged Snape tightly. "Yes you did. You succeeded. I'm so proud of you." Snape said enthusiastically and kissed her forehead.

Meanwhile in the Malfoy Manor, Anna and Narcissa were restless. Lucius was moody and Draco kept to himself. This was going on from the day Crystal went to fulfill her last ritual. It was the third day without both of them, when Lucius felt a tinge of magic on the wards. He stood up alerting the rest of the members. "Lucius? What happened?." Narcissa asked and he lifted his finger to his lips, and they all kept their mouths shut. And then a bang was heard. They all went out in the living room. They saw Snape but Crystal was no where. "Severus?. Where is Crystal?." Anna asked, and he pursed his lips, as he was having a hard time keeping his face neutral, and shook his head. She gasped and took a step forward when they heard a screeching sound. They saw an eagle came into the room and just like that transfigured into Crystal, who was wearing a big smile on her face. "I'm an Animagus!." She told them and Anna hugged her daughter. "You're ok. I thought..' she then looked at Snape and narrowed her eyes at him, 'You!." His eyes widened when he saw her marching towards him. He yelped and ran for his life, Anna on his heels, making them all laugh.

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