The Vision.

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It was the final match of the Quidditch season, between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Harry, Crystal, Daisy and Hermione settled in to the stands to watch the Quidditch game, but they heard a voice. It was Hagrid, and he wanted them the Golden duo to come with him right away while everyone else was distracted by the Quidditch game. They look at each other, and Hermione looked at Crystal, "Crystal, you can come with us." Crystal looked at Daisy and nodded. "You stay here. Ok?.' Daisy nodded, Crystal looking at the duo, and said, 'Lead the way." When Hagrid saw Crystal, he turns to Harry for explanation who just nods at him in reassurance. Hagrid takes them into the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid brought his crossbow with him, as they started going deeper into the forest than usual, as he can't trust the centaurs, as their member left them. Hagrid protected Firenze from the rest of the herd when they attacked him for working with Dumbledore. So the centaurs aren't too happy with Hagrid, or with humans in general these days. That's what Hagrid told them. Crystal looks around and hears a sudden rustling. Her eyes widened, and suddenly she felt nervous, something she never felt from the she first met her Father, but does not say a word. Before they get to their destination, Hagrid stops and says, "Well, there's a good chance I'm going to be getting the sack, any day now. I'm worried that if I get fired, there will be no one to look after.." he didn't say anything after that. "After what?." Crystal asks, but he just walk away. Crystal became annoyed, and this nervous feeling was new to her, so she made herself to calm down. Hagrid brought them deeper into the forest, where they see a large figure lying on its side, sleeping. "This is my brother, actually giant half-brother, Grawp. He is a full-blooded giant, the son of my mother with another giant. Even so, he's a runt by giant standards, you know only sixteen feet tall. He's here because Grawp is small, he gets bullied by the other giants.' looking at Harry, Hagrid continues, 'I couldn't leave my only brother there, to be injured by everyone else. So, I brought Grawp home with me. That's why it took us two months to travel back to Hogwarts,' he sighed sadly, 'Because Grawp didn't want to come." Crystal took all the information in, and looked at Hagrid's brother with wide eyes. Hermione, as usual asked an excellent question, according to Harry, "What do you think you're going to do with a violent giant who doesn't even want to be here!." She all but shouted at Hagrid. "He's not violent!. He just doesn't know his own strength!." Hagrid said in his usual loud voice, startling Crystal, who lost her footing, causing her to fall back, but Harry held her protectively, making them both blush. Hermione cleared her throat, with a small smile, and Hagrid looked at them weirdly. "Harry promise me that you'll come and keep Grawp company in the forest?." Both Harry and Hermione makes promises and Crystal looks a little terrified. "It's ok. You don't have to come." Harry tried to soothe her, and she nodded. "Well Harry come and meet him. Grawp, this is Harry, Hermione and their friend Crystal. They'll be coming and all. Isn't it nice? Three friends for you to...GRAWPY NO!." Grawp tries to grab Crystal, but Harry drags her behind the tree, along with Hermione. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into him." Hagrid said to Crystal who was in Harry's embrace, trying to shop herself from shivering, making them all concerned as she was even more terrified. "Let's get you back to school."

Hagrid takes Harry, Crystal and Hermione back to the school. They return to the Quidditch stands. After Hagrid leaves, Hermione started her rant, "I don't believe him. I really don't believe him. A giant! A giant in the Forest!." "Hermione stop it. Can't you see Crystal's still terrified." Harry makes her stop talking while pointing at Crystal, who was looking at the ground with solemn look on her face. "I'm so sorry Crystal. I didn't see you there." Hermione said and she just smiled. "It's ok." Crystal replied with a small voice. "Let's get you back to the common room." Harry said and held her. They started making their way back when they heard Ron shouting at them."HARRY! HERMIONE!. WE DID IT! WE WON!." He's waving the silver Quidditch Cup over his head. But then he looked at Crystal's pale face, and asked, "What's wrong?."

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