Diagon Alley.

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They stepped out of the fireplace of Leaky Cauldron. Severus greeted the bartender and led Crystal to the back door, and taped the pattern on the wall. "So Crystal. What is your most interesting class." Crystal thought about it and then said, "Dark Arts. But I love every other class, no matter what." He nodded and pointed towards the book shop. "I think there is lots of people in there." She furrowed her eyebrows and then looked around. "I don't see Draco anywhere. Can we go to Apothecary, I want to ask you something." He nodded and took her to that shop.

They both looked around, as if trying to find something, when Severus felt a tug on his robes. He looked at the side to see Crystal looking at him with wide eyes. "What's wrong?." he asked, to which she shook her head and asked, "Can you teach me how can one become an Animagus." Shocked at her question, he asked her, "And why do you want me to tell you this?" She huffed and said, "Well because Professor, I want to become one. I want to know how to become an Animagus. And if you can't help me, I'll myself find a way to do that." Her attitude reminded him of Rabastan, and he smiled shaking his head. "You are just like your Father. Stubborn. Fine, I'll help you." "You knew my Father?." She asked in astonishment. "Indeed I knew him. He was passionate man and always serious about his work, he was studious and also would do anything to achieve his goal. Just like you." He replied her and they exited the shop. She felt like a connection to her Professor. Finally someone who can tell her about her Father. "Can..Can you tell me who he was?." She asked in low voice but he heard her correctly. "Very well. But it will still be small information about him. The rest should be said to you by your mother."

They reached the book shop, and went inside to see, Lucius talking to the Gryffindor trio, and Draco on the right side of the Granger girl, looking at her. She felt something in her, as if someone squeezed her heart but she brushed it off and went further in. She bought her books, and while making her way back outside, she saw Severus talking with Lucius and Draco on his side. "Well you should never associate with people so low as them. They are Blood Traitors for a reason." Severus said to Lucius and he nodded. "Indeed. But what are you doing here?. As far as I know, you have no work in here." "Yes, I do have some work. Anna insisted that I should take Crystal to meet you. So here I am. And here is Crystal also." Severus replied while looking at Crystal. "I'll help you." Draco offered but she shook her head and looked around. Taking out her wand she muttered the spell, and shrunk them in her pocket. "There. Done." Both the men looked at her with wide eyes. "Where did you learn that spell from." Severus asked her in perplexed manner. "I... I snuck out a book on Dark Arts from library at Hogwarts. Duplicated it and then learned from that book." She replied shyly. "You're definitely your Father's daughter." "I hope Anna don't know about it. Otherwise she'll have our head." Severus and Lucius both said at the same time.

Crystal just smiled at them and asked Severus. "So when can we start on the process?." "Hmm..Most probably I'll inform you in few days. But as you know, it's difficult process. And you don't know what your patronus is..." she cut him off, saying, "Fox. My patronus is Fox." Severus eyes went wide, and then shook his head. "I'll keep everything ready hopefully by the time you join school. Then I'll tell you what you have to do." She nodded and then looked at Draco, as they were making their way to Quidditch store. "You wanted me to join you. For what?. Shopping for a Broomstick?." "How did you know." Draco asked her. "Hm let's see. You have been whining about Potter being on the team, and by the look on your face, you have successfully got your Father onboard, and now you are heading towards Quality Quidditch Supplies." All of them looked at her, yet again impressed at her knowledge about her surroundings. "Yes! Now I'll beat him in Quidditch." Crystal just shook her head.

After helping Draco with his Broomstick, they all went back to their ways, and Severus bought her back to her home. She looked around to see no one in there, then turned to Severus. "I hope you don't tell Mom about our talk. I want to keep this all a secret." Sensing sincerity in her voice, he nodded and went back through the floo network. Crystal went back to her room and enlarged her stuff. It was 15th August, that means only 15 more days and then she'll be off to Hogwarts again.

And just like that, her days at home came it an end. They all made their way to the station. She met Draco and her other friends, and they all boarded the train.

At the station, Lucius approached Anna, and said, "I hope you have told your daughter about her Father." Anna just shook her head and looked ahead. "She's just a child. I don't want her to know about him, and have a negative impact on her." "Negative impact?. Really Anna. She's a bright girl. Let her decide what is right and what is wrong." Narcissa said, coming from behind Lucius. "It's not easy, Cissa. I need time." "Fine. But it better be you. If anyone looked into the tapestry, they can tell her about him, before you. Which can lead to disaster." Nodding at each other, they all apparated out.

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