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It was well late in the evening, after 6 o'clock, when the Weasley twins and Crystal landed in the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron. They took their seats, near the bar, and ordered Butterbeer, or Firewhisky in case of the Twins.  "So why haven't you been in your shop today?." She started making conversation with them so as to not cause suspicions. "Well we were supposed to look for new home, and now that we have Malfoy Manor, why go somewhere else. Right Fred?." George replied to her. She hummed and started reading on to her book, The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Both twins left her to read, as Draco had told them that it's her way to gather information about Dark Arts, and her plans. They were discussing new product development, when they saw their Father, making his way to them. "You all are here already?." Arthur Weasley said, making Crystal jump at his intrusion. "Oh. Hello Mr. Weasley. How are you?." She faked her enthusiasm making the twins shock. "Ah. Crystal. I'm fine. Let's get you all to The Burrow. Shall we." He took them to his car, and Crystal was confused. "It's our family's flying car. Get in. You'll understand." She slowly and steadily went in the back seat of the car, and twins took their seat on her either side. She clutched their hands, when the engine roared and Arthur Weasley took off. Her hold tightened on them, and both shared amused look. After traveling for like hours, they landed near their house. But for Crystal, it was all together different. It was like the house was entirely held on magic. So many levels were added that it looked like clustered. "Not much." "But home." Both the twins claimed. She scoffed and said in a light tone, "Where how to murder innocents' are planned." Wiping their smiles altogether.

When they set foot into their living room, they saw Harry, Dumbledore, Kingsley, and Mrs. Weasley talking. "Mom." "Crystal's here." They alerted their arrival, and Dumbledore gave a small smile to Crystal which she returned. "Ms. Fawley. Nice to meet you." Dumbledore said calmly. "Mr. Dumbledore. Pleasure is all mine." The rest didn't knew how to react, after that comment she made. "You know you can call me Professor or Dumbledore only, right." He replied and she smiled, "And you know you can call me Crystal." He laughed and said, "Yes yes. My mistake. Crystal. Feel at home." "Thankyou Professor." Dumbledore then escorted Kingsley with him, Crystal silently glaring at him. "Crystal." Harry hugged her, and she felt her chest tighten. She missed Draco, and hugged Harry tightly, him thinking that she really liked him.

Yes. Harry liked Crystal, he had developed a crush on her, but Crystal had always loved Draco. The truth that Harry didn't know.

She then was embraced by Mrs. Weasley, and Harry led her to Ron's room, where Hermione, Ginny, and Ron were. They exchanged hugs, and sat on the floor. Fred and George also joined them, with dinner for Crystal and Harry. Harry finished his meal, rather inappropriately. While as Crystal took her time, eating properly with perfect manners. "Crystal. You never told us about your family." Ginny asked in a casual way, to make a conversation with her. She swallowed her food in her mouth, and cleared her throat. "Well. I only have Mom. Only knew her and Grandmother from the very beginning of my life." "What about your Father?." Hermione asked, but Crystal shook her head. "He left us way before I was born." Fred draped his arm around her shoulder, and George sat on her other side. "What about your Grandmother?." This time it was Ron. "Died in a Fiendfyre." She slowly placed her plate in George's hand, stood up and left the room. "Well it's messed up." Harry said and followed her, making Ginny furrow her eyebrows at him.

Crystal was sitting near the tree infront of the Burrow. Harry came and sat beside her. They sat there in silence, a slight breeze was blowing, making her shiver in the moon light. He draped his arm around her, and bought her close. She placed her head on his shoulder. After some time, he looked down at her to see, she was fast asleep. Hermione and Ron joined them, and Hermione smiled when she saw her asleep on his shoulder. "Let's get her to bed." And Harry carefully carried her inside. "Hey Harry, take her to our room. We placed her stuff in there, along with Hermione's stuff." George told them. "But what about you both?." Ron asked. "We got our new home. We'll be setting things up today and tomorrow, so we'll be busy there." Fred supplied the explanation, and Harry carried her to twins room, placing her gently on the bed and closed the door.

The next day, Harry told the trio about the Prophecy, Crystal was truly shocked to know that Dumbledore already knew about it, and they just caught on the fact that Harry have to kill Voldy. Then this new person was discussed. Horace Slughorn, and then Harry told them about his private lessons with Dumbledore. They went downstairs to eat lunch, but they received their OWL results, and their Hogwarts letter. Hermione and Crystal had topped this time, making Crystal happy, but she hid it effectively, as her happiness was only for her family, not them. "I made prefect again." Ron exclaimed happily, making Hermione roll her eyes. Crystal saw that she was also made prefect but she just sighed. Taking her badge, she took a parchment and started writing to her Head of the house, how she can't take it again this year. "Crystal. Everything alright?." Hermione addressed her, making everyone to look at her. "Yes. Everything is fine. Just returning my prefect badge, I can't take it." "Why!." They all exclaimed together. "I rejected it last year, same goes this year also. Can't risk this' she showed the badge, 'to bother me with my studies. Grandmother was already mad at me for coming second best after you, that she.. Um now can't let Mom do the same thing." She wrote the letter, and placed the badge in it. Whistling at the window, her owl came and she tied the envelope to it and it took off.

They went to Diagon Alley, and got the school supplies. She saw Draco, and looked the other way, so that her emotions won't get better of her. But it's Harry Potter we're talking about, he have to start a fight with Draco. Draco looked at her, and she averted her eyes, making him taunt her, so that she will look at her, but she left the shop. She went to the twins shop. She was already vulnerable without him, and then looking at him today made her regret leaving him with them. He was looking paler then normal, and his eyes had lost their spark. The trio came to twins shop and looked around. Crystal was looking out of the windows, when Harry approached her. "Hey. You ok?." She just nodded as she didn't wanted to voice her thoughts. Harry saw Draco suspiciously going to Knockturn Ally, and made them all follow him, but couldn't find why he went to Borgin and Bruke.

They went back to the Weasleys', where Harry told them his suspicions, Crystal stiffened at his claim. She went to her room, and thought about what she'll write to Draco, but then thought that better is to pay them a visit. She waited till midnight, when she was certain that everyone was sleeping, she used a illusion charm and made it look like she was sleeping.  She went to the fireplace, and calmly called her destination. Leaky Cauldron. From there to Malfoy Manor.

Lucius and Narcissa were sitting at the couch with Snape, when they saw Crystal coming from the floo network. "Crystal?." Narcissa called her, but she just smiled at them and went to Draco's room. She opened the door but he was not there. She looked in the bathroom, in the balcony. Searched the library, the gardens but still nothing. When she made her way back from the garden, Snape stopped her, grabbing her arm, he led her to the training room. On opening the door, she saw that Draco was sitting on the chair and Bellatrix was standing with her wand aimed at him. Occlumency. "Stop. Stop." Draco said, in pained voice, making her heart break. "Oh come on Draco. Just focus.' Bellatrix said with rolling her eyes. 'And don't let Rabastan or Anna look into your head. They'll kill you if they saw you and Crystal..." "Aunt Bella!." Both the children shouted at the same time, in horror, causing Draco and Bellatrix to look at the door. "Crys!." Draco stood up and hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?." He enquired but she smacked his head. "What's gotten into you. What had happened to you. And to top it up, Potter is suspicious of you being a Death Eater. Stupid." She hugged him again, with a pout. "I'm sorry love. I just missed you so much." Bellatrix and Snape left them alone, with smiles on their faces.

After spending few hours with Draco, he escorted her back to floo network and she went back to Weasleys'. Slowly making her way to her room, she undid the spell and slept for the remaining hours.

This year was really a challenge for them. Draco had to mend the vanishing cabinet, Crystal had to find why Slughorn was here, along with her being full time spy.

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