Death of Dumbledores'.

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Rabastan went towards the hospital wing, carefully not to get into anyone's notice, and Yaxley placed a Cursed barrier at the Tower's only entrance and exit, in order to prevent anyone except a Death Eater from passing through. At the same moment, Snape felt the Dark Mark tattoo on his arm ignite, signalling that the Death Eaters had successfully entered the school; and he then quickly left his office.
Rabastan saw his daughter, looking pale, and disillusioned himself, and took her hand. "My child. It has begun." He whispered to her ear, and she opened her eyes. "Good." She said in hushed tone, and snuggled to her Father's side, and slept again.

Gibbon then fired the Dark Mark out of an open window, and placed it directly above the Astronomy Tower. However, mere moments afterwards, Dumbledore and Harry arrived in Hogsmeade, having returned from their mission. The Death Eaters then began ascending the stairway of the empty Tower.

When Dumbledore and Harry returned to Hogsmeade, they were immediately alerted by Madam Rosmerta about the sudden appearance of the Dark Mark above Hogwarts. Rosmerta allowed Dumbledore and Harry to borrow two broomsticks, which they used to fly to the top of the Astronomy Tower. When they reached the tower, the two heard heavy footsteps rising the stairway quickly. Dumbledore then suddenly immobilised Harry with a nonverbal Full Body-Bind Curse, and then hid Harry under his Invisibility Cloak. "Expelliarmus!." Draco disarmed Dumbledore, and he stood there stunned, when he saw a smug looking Draco looking at him. "Good evening, Draco. What brings you here?." Dumbledore tried to play cool, as Draco's face didn't showed that he didn't wanted to do this. "Who else is here? I heard you talking." Draco demanded, sneering at Dumbledore. He took a short trip to the area and snatched Dumbledore's wand from the floor. "Won't be needing it." Draco said and pocketed it. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you been whispering to you yourself, Draco?." Dumbledore answered but Draco scoffed. "Draco you're no assassin." He tried to bring out the truth. "How do you know what I am?! I've done things that would shock you!." Draco roared, clearly meaning his use of Imperius curse, and Cruciatus Curse. "Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that, in return, she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart couldn't really be in them." Dumbledore argued with Draco, buying more time for Snape to come up, and Draco understood this. "He trusts us!." Draco accidentally revealed that he was not alone in this. "You're not alone? There are others? How?." Dumbledore asked in astonishment. "The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it." Before Dumbledore could say anything, Bellatrix walked into the Astronomy tower followed by Death Eaters. "Well, look what we have here. Well done, Draco!. Now step aside." She mocked Dumbledore. And hissed the last sentence to Draco. "Good evening, Bellatrix. I think introductions are called for." Dumbledore saw that there were others', who he didn't recognise because of their Death Eater masks. "Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule.' Bellatrix said and then looked at Anna, through Draco. 'Do it!." Greyback who was not knowing that it was Anna who was to kill Dumbledore, and said, "He doesn't have the stomach... just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way." Bellatrix played along, and said, "No! The Dark Lord was clear. The boy has to do it. Come on Draco." Faking to make Draco kill him. "No!." Snape walked into them bickering, and makes himself visible to them. He looks around and saw that Anna was indeed there to kill Albus Dumbledore. "Severus... please." Dumbledore thought that his plan was intact and Snape will kill him. He made an eye contact with Anna, and she nodded. "Avada Kedavra!." The spell hits Dumbledore from his right, opposite to Snape, and he was knocked over the rail behind him and falls from the tower.

In the mean time, Crystal and Rabastan went to Hogsmeade, to Aberforth Dumbledore's house. They had finally figured out where Dumbledore's brother lived. They knocked on his door, and he opened. "Hello Dumbledore." Crystal smirked at him, when he recognised her, and his eyes widened. "What are you.." he started but before he could say anything else. Crystal casted the killing curse on him. "Avada Kedavra!." And he dropped down with a thud. "Rest in peace now." She blew a flying kiss to him, and they went back from hidden passage to hospital wing, where Rabastan left her daughter, and joined his brother and sister in law, in the battle outside.

In a night, both the brothers' were killed by the Death Eaters. For Harry, even though knowing who casted the killing curse, as he could only hear them, but could not see them, he went along the plan, and made it his mission to make everyone believe that it was Snape.

Snape grabbed Draco by his arm, and they ran towards the exit while he ordered the rest of the Death Eaters to immediately flee the school, taking the lead as he quickly began descending the Tower stairway. Harry, who was forced to the Full Body-Bind Curse, was set free upon Dumbledore's death, and was in fake enraged desire for revenge, immediately set off after Snape, hitting Yaxley with a Full Body-Bind Curse of his own in order to get a clear way down the stairs. Harry ran down the staircase and into the corridors, with terror in his heart, as he knew he had to catch Snape and the Death Eaters before they all escaped. He scoffed at the idea.

When he ran into the dimly lit corridor, it was full of dust and debris, as half the ceiling had fallen in, as the battle was violently raging, with several Hogwarts residents and the Order duelling the Death Eaters. Draco and Snape however, had passed through the violence somehow unscathed, due to the Order unaware of actual happening at Astronomy tower, instead believing that Snape and Draco were being pursued by the hostile Death Eaters, Snape ordered the remaining Death Eaters to escape. Harry chased after them, but was suddenly attacked by the werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, although Harry quickly paralysed him with the Full Body-Bind Curse, which allowed him to push him off. He saw his friends and teachers fighting the Death Eaters, but couldn't find Crystal. Then he remembered that she was still in hospital wing, and sighed in relief.

Harry chased them, and when he was at a good distance behind them, Harry shouted. "SNAPE! He trusted you!." "Go on!." Snape orders the Death Eaters in front of him. "Incarcerus!." Harry casted but Snape deflected it with ease. "FIGHT BACK! YOU COWARD, FIGHT BACK!." Harry was shouting at Snape, but he rolled his eyes at him. Bellatrix threw him off a bit, but Snape roared, "NO! He belongs to the Dark Lord." Rolling her eyes at him, they all left, through Forbidden forest. "SECTUMSEMPRA!." Harry casted and again Snape deflected, now enraged. He casted a body binding curse on Harry, and said, "You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?. Yes, I'm Half Blood Prince." Harry layed their defeated, that he couldn't do anything, till Snape and other Death Eater escaped. Harry was released from the body binding curse and he went back to the castle, where he, along with many students and teachers, came across Dumbledore's dead body lying on the ground. Harry picked up Slytherin's Locket which had fallen from Dumbledore's pocket, which he examined to find it was fake and that the real locket belonged to an individual called R.A.B. on a piece of paper inside. Harry's eye burned with tears, regarding the utter tragedy, of fake horcrux.

Dumbledore's funeral was held on the school grounds, and Harry came upto Crystal who was utterly shocked and simultaneously pleased that her mother finally killed him. Hermione told her every thing, and Crystal was enraged. "Madam Pomfrey didn't let me go out. Otherwise I would have helped you all." Was all she said. Crystal was still mad at Harry, for cursing her, and he also maintained a little distance from her to let her adjust. Harry told them that the locket he got from the cave was fake, and showed them the letter inside. Crystal had to keep her face neutral, as what Regulus had written was funny. She joined the dots, as the cave was not cursed or anything, so it might be something Voldy would have done, afterwards.

"I'm not coming back for another year. I want to complete what Dumbledore had started. I'll be hunting down the Horcrux." Harry told them when they were on the Astronomy tower. "We're coming with you." Ron declared, and Hermione nodded. "Yes. We have been in this together. We'll be with you in this." They all looked at Crystal and she nodded.

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