Secret Meeting.

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The following morning, Crystal woke up, hissing at every move. Her body was still sore, from the Curse. Then she looked at her hand, and winced at the mark. She changed into her uniform, with so much difficulty that Daisy had to help her. They both changed and then left for breakfast. When they reached the Great Hall, she saw Draco and Theo giving her worried looks, as she limped a little, and then from the Staff table, Snape was also looking at her, with unreadable expression. Umbridge stood next to him, with a grin on her face, giving repulsive feeling to her stomach. As they sat, she saw Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, looking at her, and made their way to her. "Hey." Hermione said, and sat opposite to them. "Hello." Crystal replied in low voice. "We know what happened last night at the Detention. Harry showed us his hand." Ronald said, and she just nodded. "Nothing a concealment charm can't fix." Crystal said, trying to smile but not fully reaching her eyes. Harry came to them, and said, "Hermione. Can I join?." They all sat and had breakfast. Just then they heard some shouting coming from the Hall. McGonagall and Umbridge both had a small quarrel, about punishments. Umbridge said, "Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?." McGonagall leveled her a look and said, "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Crystal looked at them, and then at Snape, whose presence was looming behind the pillar. She narrowed her eyes on him, and then to Daisy. But she had told her not to tell anyone. Umbridge continued, "So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." "Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods." McGonagall replied. Umbridge took a step up the stairs and said, "I am sorry, dear, but to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." "Disloyalty?." Crystal and McGonagall both said at the same time, but only McGonagall's voice was heard. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." Umbridge said and off she went. "This is not good." Crystal said, and they all went to their classes.

Now Umbridge was on inspection. She made strict rules which started hanging outside the wall of the Great Hall. Day after day, new rules were adding on the walls, and Umbridge was becoming powerful, much to the chagrin of Crystal. During one inspection, when they were in class, Umbridge asked Snape some questions. "You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?." She asked him, and Crystal's head snapped at them. "Yes." He replied. "But you were unsuccessful?." She asked again, making Crystal and Draco and Hermione to facepalm themselves. "Ob-viously." Snape answered annoyingly, making Crystal snicker at him, but Ronald's snicker was loud enough for Snape to smack him on his head with a book. They shared a laugh at him, and Snape's class was over.

They were having Divination class the other day, in stepped Umbridge once again, and Crystal groaned. "Bloody Pink toad." She hissed and only Daisy heard her, and she snickered. Umbridge asked Trelawney to predict something for her. "One teensy little prophecy?." But Trelawney doesn't answer her. Umbridge looked at her unimpressed. "Pity." And started walking towards the door. Trelawney all of a sudden shouted, "No, wait! Wait! I think I do see something! Yes... I do! Something dark! You are in grave danger!." Crystal tried hard to keep herself from bursting into laughter. "Lovely!." Umbridge said and giggled. Crystal looked at Daisy and then to Draco, and they shared an amused look.

After so many laws and inspections, finally there was a commotion in the courtyard of the school. All the students got together at the courtyard and saw the Professor Trelawney was standing in the centre and Filch dropped her luggages in front of her. Trelawney was on the verge of crying, "16 years I've lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this!."
Umbridge came and said, "Actually, I can." Crystal scoffed and the Golden trio heard her. "Freaky Pink toad." Said Crystal, making them grin. McGonagall arrives and tries to comfort Trelawney. Umbridge tried to spite McGonagall and asked her, "Something you'd like to say, dear?." As bossy as she was, McGonagall answered, "Oh, there are several things I would like to say!." Then the doors opened and Dumbledore's presence was enough to make room for him. He looked at McGonagall and said, "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?." They both looked at him in shock. McGonagall squeezed her hand and said, "Sybil, dear, this way." Trelawney in thank yous' shakes Dumbledore's hand. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!." Umbridge looked wildly at Dumbledore and said, "Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree 23, as enacted by the Minister...." Dumbledore looked at her and said, "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." A dangerous gleem was seen in her eyes, and she said challengingly. "For now."

Umbridge made their life living hell. Sirius Black made contact with Harry about his letter, but then asked Hermione and Ronald about Crystal. "So what have you done about that girl?." He asked Hermione. "She till now, stood with us about Voldemort's return. Took Detention with Harry, and also is very pissed about Umbridge. I think we can bring her to our side, before Christmas." Ronald said, and they all nodded. "That's good to hear. She is important for us Hermione. Keep this in your mind." Sirius said and then they heard someone coming, and Sirius left. So Hermione came up with the idea of secret club, so that is what they did. They rounded students from every class and year, who were willing to listen to the Golden trio. "So we are going to start practicing. But where?." Hermione asked them. Harry and Ronald just shrugged. The twin Weasley's looked at them and then thought about it. "We'll figure out something. But first, we have to get back." "Otherwise that Pink toad will give us all Detention." Both the twins said. They all shared a laugh at it. "I want to say, a bloody brilliant name by Crystal." Ginny exclaimed happily. Just then they heard some shouting. They entered the courtyard and saw Parkinson and Crystal, glaring at each other.

"What do you think of yourself?." Pansy asked Crystal when she was sitting with Daisy at the courtyard. "What are you talking about?." Crystal asked calmly. "Don't think I don't know that you're a Traitor. Stabbing our backs like that. Shame on you!." Pansy shouted at her. Daisy stood up and glared at Pansy. "Enough Parkinson. You're crossing your limits." Crystal placed her hand on Daisy's shoulder and shook her head. Just then Golden trio came into the view, and Daisy's eyes met Crystal's in understanding. "She's not worth it. Let's go." Crystal said and deliberately looked at the trio's direction, and left.

"Crys?. Do you think this is worth it?." Daisy asked and Crystal just shrugged. And then they both came face to face with Umbridge. "What is worth it?." She asked them. Daisy had to hold Crystal's hand, so that she won't lash out. "Nothing Professor. We were just thinking of going to library, so that we can read." Daisy asked, and Crystal nodded, with a fake smile. "Is it so?. Then why are you coming from the opposite direction of library?." Umbridge asked them. "We first had to keep our stuff in the dorm room. Professor." Crystal told her with clenched teeth. Nodding at them, with narrowed eyes, Umbridge let them go.

"Bloody hell Harry. Parkinson made a scene as usual." Ronald said, and they all nodded. "Harry. We should get her also into our club. She stood up with you. She supported you. We should tell her about our secret training." Hermione said, and they all nodded. "You're right Hermione. I'll talk to her. She's usually in library. I'll see you all in the common room." And Harry left to talk to Crystal, leaving his friends.

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