Match and Injuries.

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For a few days, the group used to meet in the library and had a study session for all the classes especially DADA. This particular evening, as they were all completing their assignment, Snape made his presence known to them, and took a seat near the edge of the table. "What are you all doing?." He asked in a bored tone. "Umm completing the assignments." Draco replied, with a slight tilt of his head. Crystal scoffed and said, "What do you want Professor?." At her blunt question, she was met with silence from boys and wide eyes from girls. Severus smirked and said, "Looks like you forget that you asked something from me, way before asking my help in DADA." She looked around and casted a quick charm around her table, and leaned near the desk, making herself a little near to him. "I hope you remember that you can't tell it to anyone." She hissed, and he nodded. "When and where?." She asked, in normal tone. "Wait for an owl from me. And you all, from tomorrow morning, before breakfast, report to the training grounds, for your DADA class." And with that he left them. Crystal grinned, and looked at her friends. "What was that about?." Blaise asked her. "Well for starters, I asked his help for my research. Then, again I asked his help in studying DADA. He first disagreed but looks like now he is ready to help." She squealed in delight, but silently. "Oh so that's why you were in his office that day?." Draco asked, and she nodded. "What research?." Daisy asked. "Ok. Let's see." Crystal said, pretending to think and then went back to her assignment, marking the end of the conversation.

After a month, it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor Quidditch match, and as always Gryffindor won. And Draco was injured in between this all. Crystal had not interested in the match, and had opted working on her research in the library. When she was almost on the important part, Daisy came running to her and said heavingly, "Draco is in hospital wing. There was an accident on the pitch." They both left and burst into the hospital wing. On one side it was Slytherins and other side were Gryffindors. She went to Draco and looked at others. "What happened to him?." She demanded, and on the other side, Gryffindors were fussing over Potter. And not understanding what is going on, she roared, "Will you all shut up!." Effectively making them all shut their mouths. She heaved a little and looked at the Gryffindor Quidditch team, "Would you mind to shut that mouth of yours?. This is hospital wing, not a common room, that you are talking too loud." While she was lashing out at them, at the door were Severus, Lucius, McGonagall looking at her, with wide eyes. Then Crystal looked at Slytherin Quidditch team, and sneered at them, "One at a time. What happened at the pitch." Marcus Flint, the captain told her what had happened and then looked at Draco but, "Enough Flint,' Crystal took hold of them all, and looked at the other team members, looking at them. 'Whatever you want to say about your loss, whine in your common room, not in the hospital wing." That last sentence she hissed, and then looked that Madam Pomfrey made her way to Potter and said, "Oh Mr. Malfoy, stop your whining, you are absolutely fine." Crystal rolled her eyes at her.

Snape and Lucius both came to Draco, till now Crystal had told the rest of the team to go back in the common room, and they agreed. "How are you son?." Lucius asked, and Draco opened his mouth but Crystal glared at him. She looked at Potter, who was asleep, and said, "Will you ever stop mocking him, and focus on your task?. You could have easily won this match, if you had concentrated on the match, not on that pathetic excuse of a hero. Told you, Quidditch needs skills, not mocking. Grow up Draco." Crystal said in anger, and both the men nodded at her words. She paced the length of his bed, and then looked at Severus. "If, we brew...' she scrunched her nose, and said, 'Nevermind. They will still be like that." She again looked at Potter and said, "You know what Draco, rest. I'll deal with your whining tomorrow. Till then bye." She left them all.

Draco was discharged that evening. That night one more student was petrified. And the news of school being haunted spread throughout the school. Crystal knew that she had to complete her research before this all fiasco, so she went straight to Snape. "When are you going to help me with becoming an Animagus?." She demanded looking him in the eye. "Soon. I'm busy with this petrifications in the school. And..." he faltered when he saw the look on her face. "Fine then, I'll do it myself." She marched back to her room and started on the information which she had been gathering all the time. Then she went to Herbology greenhouse, and snuck in. Carefully she took a Mandrake leafs, and then very carefully without anyones' knowledge, snuck back in the common room, or so she thought.

The next day, when she was in her Potions class, Snape asked her to stay back after the class. When the class was over, she still remained in her seat, and waited for Snape to finish. She was picking up at her nails, when she heard him clearing his throat. "Ms. Fawley. I hope I am not wrong if I claim that last night you snuck out of your dormitory and went to the greenhouse, and took some Mandrake leafs." She smirked at him, and said, "Even if you're not wrong Professor, you still don't have any proof that it was me." He smirked at her, and nodded his head. "Impressive. Well be ready at this full moon. I'm working on your potion, and then we will further see what we will be doing. Till then, hope that school is not closed because of these petrifications. Dismissed."

Crystal was finally getting somewhere, but at the same time, she was nervous, as this transformation was very difficult, and she can get this wrong. But then again, she thought that she will take this risk.

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