Attack on Burrow.

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After Crystal's short anger display, no one said anything. They could not argue anymore. Fred and George had gone after her, and they haven't been back. "We should leave. Clearly we were wrong with arguing infront of the girl. Fully knowing what she went through." Remus said and they went outside. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?." Molly tried to make them stay, but still wary of Remus. "Shhh." Remus heard some hustle in the grass. Narrowing his eyes, he saw Bellatrix Lestrange, a few metres from the front door. She smirked at him and flicked her wand, encircled the house with a raging ring of fire. Harry and Ginny were looking at Remus from the window of the upper story. As the fire encircled the house, they both witnessed Bellatrix Lestrange fleeing into the marshland, and Harry ran all the way down, and took off after her in an attempt to avenge the murder of his godfather, Sirius Black. "Harry no!." Remus shouts after him. "Ginny!." Arthur shouted at his daughter. Ginny ran after Harry trying to stop him and offer him help against the attacking Death Eaters. The ring of fire closed behind her, attacking and holding back Lupin, Tonks, and Arthur Weasley who had attempted to follow the pair into the reeds. As Harry tore after Bellatrix through the tall grass, she taunted him with the memory of his deceased godfather. "I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black. Are you going to get me!." Was all she said and suddenly, Bellatrix disapparated, leaving Harry disoriented among the reeds and trying to determine where she disappeared to.

Back at the Burrow, Crystal and the twins heard Bellatrix crackling. "What is she doing here?." Fred asked no one in particular. "We should go and see." George said and restrained Crystal. "Not you. I'm sure she will not be happy if you got injured." Fred said and they left the room. Crystal paced in the room and silently prayed for their safety. By this time, Ginny had lost her way, as well. She heard a noise behind her, she looked to see if it was Harry or not. "Harry?." She called his name, but it was Fenrir Greyback. She raised her wand to attack him, but Harry emerged from behind her. "Stupify!." He aimed at him but his spell was deflected with ease. Greyback then Disapparated into the surrounding tall grass, where he and Bellatrix encircled the pair in order to confuse them. As the two Death Eaters heard the adults approaching, they started jinxing Harry and Ginny who deflected the spells.

"Dad! Harry! Where are you?." The twins and Ron joined the fight and were looking for their family, leaving Crystal behind in the house. Bellatrix heard them, and nodded at Greyback to attack. They casted a round of spells on Harry and Ginny, but then Lupin, Tonks, and Mr Weasley joined Harry and Ginny and tried to protect them from the Death Eaters. After firing of another round of spells, largely outnumbered, Bellatrix and Greyback retreated. While retreating, Greyback went out of his way to set fire to the Burrow. Unknown to all of them Crystal was in there, expliciting scream from her. Everyone halted, even the Death Eaters, when they heard the similar voice screaming. Bellatrix looked wildly at Greyback, who bowed his head in shame. "HELP!." Crystal shouted from the window, but after few seconds the whole house was burning, and no one knew how to get in. The twins and Harry tried to go in but Remus and Arthur stopped them, and Ron held Harry. Bellatrix looked at Crystal who was coughing, from a slightly broken window, and went back, to the opposite direction of Crystal, so as to make them look like another attack. She threw open the window, and got hold of Crystal's hand, and while she flew to the outside, throwing her in the process, Crystal landed on the grass and had slight burns and cuts on herself. She silently thanked her Aunt Bella, and lost consciousness. The fire destroyed all the items in the Weasley family home and ruined the rest of the Christmas holidays for all of those present, greatly upsetting Mrs Weasley in the process. Harry saw her near the grass and cradled her face. "Crystal?. Please wake up." Fred also tried to wake her up and George went ahead and picked her up, and both the twins left for St. Mungo's, so that she'll get checked, leaving dazed Golden trio, their parents, Tonks and Remus.

Bellatrix and Greyback reached the Manor, where all of others' were waiting for good news from them. But judging by the look on Bellatrix face, something went wrong. "You FILTHY halfbreed! How dare you do that." She shouted at him, making him take a step back. "What happened Bella?." The Dark Lord demanded. "He set the Weasleys' house on fire." She again shouted at Greyback, but no one understood that reason she was angry. "And?." Draco asked. "Crystal was in there!." As if they were given a shock, they all gasped. "What!?." Rabastan roared at Greyback. "You should be thankful that I rescued her while faking another attempt attack on the house. If anything would have happened to her I would have killed you." Bellatrix again roared at him. "Crucio!." Greyback was writhring on the floor and the curse was casted by Draco, with so much hatred that, Greyback was writhring mass on the floor. He lifted the curse, and Narcissa placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Crucio!." Came another voice, and Greyback screamed again. They looked up to see Fred, who was seething. "Crucio!." He again casted at him, because of Greyback's lycanthrope condition he still had strength. "Crucio!. This one on George's behalf." Greyback was again convulsing on the floor, lifting the curse for a second Fred again casted it. "Crucio!. This one on behalf of my little sister, Crystal." He didn't lifted the curse for atleast 5 minutes, making him cough badly. With the flick of Bellatrix wand, Greyback was taken to the dungeons. "How is she?." Anna asked, and Fred took a deep breath. "She's fine. We took her to St. Mungo's, and the Healer said that she was traumatized that's why she became unconscious. Other than that, few scratches, and slight burns on her hands and forearms. Nothing major. She'll be fine within a week."

"This should not have gone wrong." Tom was pacing infront of them. "Don't we know that?." George entered the room, they all looked up at him and Fred asked, "Where is Crystal?." George rolled his eyes and said, "Listen carefully." They gave confused look at each other, and then they heard screams. "Torturing Greyback. She's really pissed and angry. The moment she got discharged she took my hand and apparated us her. Looks like she'll pass the apparition test with flying colours." George said and grinned at them. After few minutes, the screams ceased and Crystal entered the room. She was wearing all Black, and looking murderously at them.

"Next time you think of doing something this foolish, atleast alert me

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"Next time you think of doing something this foolish, atleast alert me." She practically growled at Bellatrix. "Are you ok?." Rabastan hugged her, and she nodded. One by one, they all hugged her, and as requested from Draco, she showed them her burns, which were not that bad. "I want the rings you all are wearing in your hands. Right now." Crystal demanded and they wordlessly placed the rings on the table. She waved her wand to them and her pendent, along with the rings glowed bright. "There done. Take your respective rings. Atleast now if you decide to attack. Twirl the ring three times, my pendent will burn a little and will alert me that Death Eaters are going to attack." She then looked at Draco with a slight pout, "I'm exhausted." He shook his head and carried her to his room, bridal style. Reaching the room, they both slept, Draco content that Crystal was ok.

The Dark Will Rise Again.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora