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Crystal had not said anything to her mother about the things her Grandmother and the Malfoys' shared at the station. She was more curious about the fact that they asked about her Father. So that means they knew who her Father was. But to ask them about her Father, it didn't fit well. She had tried to go into the tapestry, when she was 8, that too accidentally but her mother had locked it up with her wand. And she can't use magic outside the school. Sighing in defeat, she went to her luggage and opened her books section. A grin graced her face, when she took out the book. Dark Arts for Beginners. She had snuck into the restricted section of the library in the school and came across this book. She was instantly attracted to this book and duplicated it. She then had read into it, without anyones' knowledge. "I need to tell Draco about this. Otherwise I'll be in trouble." She told herself.

The next day, she was reading this book when she came across a spell. According to that illusion spell, if you cast it on your wand, no one will get to know what spell you casted for about half an hour. Her eyes widened and then she thought about trying to produce most difficult charm. Patronus charm. She knew she needed a strong, happiest memory to produce one, so she tried. For the past 6 hours she tried, but to no avail. She thought of her first time when her mother told her she was a Witch, but everytime she said the incantation, she failed. Till she remembered her memory of Draco and her, meeting for the first time on the train. Closing her eyes she pictured the same scenario and an instant happiness filled her heart, and she casted the spell. "Expecto Patronum." A large silver light came out of her wand, thinking of it as non-corporeal form, she was about to drop her wand, when it took a shape of Fox. She watched it with bright Hazel eyes, and laughed at it, when he snuggled up to her and then vanished. "I can produce patronus." She said delightedly.

For last few years, Anna handled their family business, and her mother used to help her in it. It was just three days that her daughter, Crystal was back and the following week Anna had to go to France for an important deal, and Mary also had to accompany her. Crystal was in her room when her elf came and told her that her grandmother had summoned her. Huffing all along the way, she reached her mother's office, and knocked. A faint 'come in' was heard and she entered. "Sweety, we have an emergency meeting to attend next week." Mary told her and Anna nodded. "Yes sweetheart, I'm sorry but I think you also have to come with us." Crystal looked at them both and said, "Mom, can't I go to my friend's house?. He told me that he would love to have his friends there this summer. Please." Anna stiffened and knew she was talking about Malfoys' and before she could say anything, Mary looked at Crystal sternly and said, "You, young lady, are either going with us or not going at all. Decide fast." Crystal looked at Mary, and tears weld in her eyes, and she stormed out of the room. "Mum, that was not necessary. It wasn't a big deal." Anna said and went after her daughter. Mary knew it was not, but for Anna it could have been. If she knew that Crystal was friends with Malfoy heir, she will soon get to know about her Father.

Anna knew that Crystal will be in library, so she made her way there, and saw her sitting at the window chair. "Crystal?." Anna gently said but Crystal didn't budge. "Sweetheart, listen to me." She again said and saw that Crystal was looking down and had her attention. "Sweetheart, Grandma thought that you don't have any friends. That's why she said that, thinking you are trying to lie to her. I know you want to go to Draco's house. Right?." Crystal gave a nod, and Anna hugged her. "You can go. But for a week. Because we'll be back within a week. Ok?." Crystal looked at her mother and gave a small nod. "Good. Now go to your room and finish what you were reading." kissing her head, Anna stood up and went back to her office.

Before Crystal went to her room, she took a book on Malfoy family, so that she would know about them a little. But when she got to know that they have the biggest library in the Britain, her interest increased and she thought about a number of books she can read on Dark Arts, if they had any. She knew that if her mother got to know about her interest in Dark Arts, she will full on go into the Banshee mode, and then will not allow her to read again. So she had a good time to explore the book on Dark Arts and Malfoy family.

Her thoughts always went to her Father. Who would he be?. Where was he?. Why did he left her mother?. Didn't he want her?. Why didn't he ever came to visit her?. Her mood went sour and she made her way to the tapestry. She tried to open it with the spell on her wand, but still it would not budge. "Dad. Where are you?." Crystal asked on a whisper. And slid down the door leading to tapestry. She sobbed, and this was the first time, she had cried for her Father. Some man out there whose face she didn't know. About whom no one ever told her about. She wiped her face and went to her room, and tried to sleep but sleep didn't came easily for her. She twist and turned in her bed.

When she had enough, she went to her mother's room and opened the door. She saw her mother reading a book in her bed, she knocked to make her presence known. Her mother looked up and saw her, face in grimace and eyes misty. "Crystal?." Anna said and closed her book. Crystal made her way to her mother and hugged her. Anna was shocked at the display, and held her tightly. Stroking her hair, she asked, "What happened Honey?." "Mom. Who is my Father?." Crystal's question was muffled and made Anna stiffen. "Honey. Not now. But soon I'll tell you about him. But for now, he was the best person I ever met. He was loving, cared for the people he loved. And he loves you my girl." Anna said, controlling her own emotions while describing Rabastan. "He does?." Crystal asked in low voice. "Yes love. He does. Now come on. We should sleep. It's late." Anna guided her towards the bed and let her sleep with her, first time in 9 years. Content that her mother will tell her about her Father, she slept, hugging her mother.

It was the day before all three ladies were going to their destination. The elder two to France, and the younger one to Malfoy Manor. "Crystal. Have you told your friend that you will be coming tomorrow to his house?. Don't want you to intrude on them." Anna asked and Crystal looked at them with wide eyes. "I'll do it right after the breakfast, Mom." They had their breakfast and Crystal went to her room and casted the illusion spell, and then the patronus charm. Giving a quick message, for Draco, she grabbed her quill and parchment and wrote a letter to him. Double checking the letter, she then went to the owlry, and tied the letter to her owl, Aaron and he flew off.

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