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"Bloody hell. Dumbledore was right when he told us she is important for us to win this war." Ron said to Ginny and Hermione. The three were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. "You know. She is very sweet girl. I really like her company." Fred said, and George grinned at him. "Yeah he's right. I like when she goes on and on about her studies and her family." George said while making their way to the three with Harry. "We should tell her about the Order." Ginny said, and they looked at her. "Are you sure?. We should do that. So early?." Hermione asked Ron, and he thought about it. "We have to. She's one of us. I'll try to talk to her." Harry said and called it a night. Back at the Black Lake, Daisy, Theo and Draco were sitting with Crystal. "What does she think of herself. Draco. You have to take the step. Force the secret out of her. I can't take her anymore." Crystal as usual was ranting about Marietta. "Don't worry Love. Maybe tomorrow morning, or this week, top. She'll blurt out everything." Draco told her and kissed her cheeks. She gave a pout. Both Theo and Daisy shook their heads at her. "I want to meet Dad." Came Crystal's muffled plea and they all shared a sad look.

The next morning, Harry approached Crystal at the Great Hall. She raised her eyebrow at him. He sat across her, and said, "Hi. I want to say that I'm sorry, for shouting at you yesterday. Look, my Godfather have been in Azkaban for 12 years, without any reason, any trial. At the end it was their other friend, Peter Pettigrew who was the secret keeper and gave their location to Voldemort. So whenever any one say anything about him. I get defensive. I'm really sorry." His explanation was met wilth silence and understanding. "I understand Harry. But you shouldn't have shouted at me like that." Crystal said and started piling up her plate. "I know. I'm sorry." Ron who was with him said, "There's. There's something else I want to say." He hesitated and she nodded. "We want you to join our trio. Hermione was saying yesterday that, she's the only girl in the group. And she can have you in our group. No one else. So? What do you think?." She pretended to think about it, and looked at Harry who was looking hurtfully at Ron, and she said, "I'll think. And then tell you about it." He nodded and smiled at her. They ate their breakfast, and then left the Hall, for their classes. When she reached the Room of Requirements, she saw that many students were trying to get hold of patronus charm, and many were able to focus on it. Just then a loud bang was heard, they all gathered in the centre. Daisy clutched Crystal's hand, and she tried to soothe her. But then a loud explosion occured. Standing infront of them was Umbridge, Inquisitorial Squad, and Draco had a strong hold of Marietta, and gave them a smirk. Crystal and Daisy shared look of disbelief and looked back at them. They all looked at Cho Chang, who was having a shocked look on her face. They all were betrayed.

Umbridge grabed Harry and Crystal by the arm and draged them to Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Cornelius Fudge, Percy Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and another Auror named Dawlish were all assembled. Cornelius Fudge was glaring at Harry with a kind of vicious satisfaction on his face. "So do you know why you have been bought here?." Fudge asks, but both Harry and Crystal firmly denied that they know anything about why they have been brought in. "Mr. Potter, do you know that there is a students defense group in Hogwarts?." But again Harry claims to know nothing about a student defense group. Umbridge giggles and says, "I have witness." and brings in her witness. Marietta, Cho's friend. Across her forehead is a series of close-set purple pustules that read "SNEAK." Both Harry and Crystal smirk at her. Umbridge asks her questions but Marietta can't speak in response to Professor Umbridge's questions. Harry and Crystal both look at her confused, but then Crystal's eyes widened in realisation and looked at the members present in the room, and her eyes locked with Kingsley, and nodded at him. Marietta had to testify to six months' worth of meetings for any charges against Harry to stick. But something was preventing Marietta against testifying, she looked blank as she kept shaking her head in response to every question. Crystal smiled at her lack of speech. Umbridge at a point got so frustrated that she physically shook Marietta hard. "Professor Umbridge get hold of yourself." McGonagall told her. The other people in the room warned her to get a hold of herself, and eventually making Umbridge to recover. Even if there is no evidence of six months of meetings, "Oh wait! I do have some thing that can testify that it's all Dumbledore's doing." Umbridge said, and recovered a sign-up list of names. The list of names comes under the heading, "Dumbledore's Army." "What is Dumbledore's Army?." Fudge asked and Dumbledore says, "I'll tell you." and offers Cornelius a confession. Harry and Crystal both are utterly confused, and Professor McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt look fearful. Dumbledore took all of the blame on himself, and said, "Tonight was supposed to be the first meeting. Merely to see whether they would be interested in joining me. And Yes. I have been plotting against Fudge, to overpower him, and take his position in Ministry." He claimed, and Fudge looked delighted. "Now Dumbledore, you have to be escorted to Ministry, you will recieve a trail for your wrong doings." "Not at all Cornelius. I won't be coming anywhere with you." Dumbledore said to him and he casted a sudden spell, knocking out Umbridge, Marietta, Fudge, Dawlish, and Kingsley all at once. Professor McGonagall, Harry and Crystal are all still conscious. Dumbledore commented, "Unfortunately, I had to hex Kingsley too, or it would have looked very suspicious. He was remarkably quick on the uptake, modifying Miss Edgecombe's memory like that while everyone was looking the other way." Dumbledore turns to Harry, "Harry promise me that you will practice Occlumency. It is important. Promise me." "I promise professor." Harry promises, and Dumbledore nods at Crystal which she returns. Dumbledore disappears with his phoenix, Fawkes. When Fudge and others' come back to conciousness, they demand to know where Dumbledore has gone. "Are you out of your minds!. Do you really think we have Dumbledore hidden in our pockets, that you want us to show you." Crystal shouted at him. He takes a step back at her voice. Dawlish rushes out to the stairs, followed closely by Kingsley and Umbridge. Professor McGonagall leads Harry, Crystal and Marietta out. As they leave, Harry hears Phineas Nigellus's voice saying, "You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts, but you cannot deny he's got style."

The next day, Fudge signs a new Educational Decree making Professor Umbridge Head of Hogwarts. Everyone in school knows that Dumbledore took on a whole office full of important people and still escaped. "What are we going to do now?." Hermione asks Harry. "Hey!." Crystal and Daisy both joined them at the table. "Potter. How are we going to keep training, now that Umbitch found our hiding spot. Um sorry, for using your nickname." Daisy said, making Crystal chuckle at her. "Don't worry. We'll figure out something. Well I wanted to tell you, that I'm ready to join you." Crystal told the trio, and they looked at her with wide smiles. Ernie Macmillan came and sat on the opposite side of Harry and said, "Headmasters' office, I heard itself sealed against Professor Umbridge. I think Dumbledore will be back soon." Hermione sputters, "Oh, I expect she really fancied herself sitting up there in the Head's office. Lording it over all the other teachers, the stupid puffed up, power crazy old..." But Draco came up to them, and says, "Complete that sentence. I dare you Mudblood." Crystal stiffened at his voice. "50 points from both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff." Draco says and smirked at them cruelly. "What!. You can't take points from prefects." Ernie Macmillan protested, but Draco gloated, "Not just am I prefect, I'm also a member of Inquisitorial Squad, and we can do what we want." "Well I think it's time for real fun." Both Fred and George said to them and left the Great Hall. "What are they upto?." Crystal asked but they all shook their heads.

"Harry?. Um. Can I talk to you?." Crystal said to him, when they left the Great Hall. "Yes sure. What's it?." He asked concerned. "I'm going home for Easter holidays. Mom want me to be there. It's someone important to Mom whose Death anniversary is in these holidays. So she wants me to be there. I can't be here till the holidays are over. If you need my help. Just owl me ok?." She explained and he nodded. She went to her room and started packing her stuff. Holidays started tomorrow and she packed important stuff for home. She send Draco and Astoria a fire message and told them to meet at the Black Lake. She went at the Lake and sat down. After few minutes, they both came and sat beside her. "Hey." He said lightly. "Hi. Are you coming home tomorrow?." She asked Draco and he hummed. "Great I'll meet you there." She stood up and kissed his cheeks and left dragging Astoria with her. He shook his head and saw that Pansy was spying on them. Narrowing his eyes at her, he went back inside. "Draco! How could you?. We all saw that she was with Potter, aiding him and how can you let her take Astoria." Pansy shouted at him, the moment they both entered the common room, causing all the people looked at them. "What do you want?." Draco asked her annoyingly. "Crystal is a Traitor." "One more word about her. I'll kill you!." He roared at her, and she shut her mouth. "The Dark Lord even know what she's doing. And you don't cross The Dark Lord. Understand?." He hissed at her, so that no one could hear them. She looked terrified and nodded. The rest of the people looked at them as if they are mad.

Back at the other end of Black Lake, Crystal and Astoria were talking about a new plan, unknown to anyone. "You ready for this?." Crystal asked and Astoria nodded.

Next day they all went to home for holidays. Crystal didn't have to pretend to hate them, and sat with Draco.

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