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Destinee sighed as another one of her calls went unanswered. She's been trying to call TJ for the past ten minutes and haven't received some type of answer yet. She could understand why he was ignoring her, she said something that she knew would hurt him. She regret it instantly.

Destinee let out a deep sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. She pressed TJ's contact once again listening as the phone rang. She prayed that he answered the phone, even if he didn't say much she just wanted to talk to him.

He answered the phone this time around but his end was silent. Destinee had a feeling about how this conversation would go.

"Hey.." Destinee trailed off, "Can we talk?"
His end remained silent.


"I'm busy right now I'll call you back later."

"Busy? Busy doing what?"

"Who're you on the phone with?" She heard a female's voice in the background. The voice sounded extremely familiar—it turned out to be Tiana's.

"Are you with Tiana right now? Taevis what the fuck."

"I'm busy-"

"Yeah, I see that. You always make it seem like you hate her now you're in her presence. I called your phone to talk shit out with you and you're busy with Tiana? After everything-" Destinee's voice began cracking. Her throat began to have a tight, burning sensation as she tried hard to fight her tears. She sniffled while shaking her head.

"You and Tiana's lying ass are perfect for each other.  You trifling ass nasty ass bitch."


"Fuck you. Better yet, I have your location for a reason. I'm coming and Tiana better say a nice prayer before I get there because I'm beating her ass."

Destinee hung up the phone without allowing TJ to get his final word in. She didn't care to hear his explanation. Once she heard Tiana's voice in the background she lost it. Tiana was suppose to be out of the picture months ago, she always made an appearance. She didn't know when to let go.

Destinee threw on something quick a long with her crocs. She was more than glad to have TJ's location. She checked his location and seen that he was home. That did nothing but infuriate Destinee more. He had Tiana in his house, Destinee found it disrespectful.

The car ride seemed longer than it actually was due to Destinee being upset. Every red light seemed to catch her. When she made it, she hopped out of the car seeing that Tiana's car was still parked in TJ's drive way.

With the spare key Destinee had, she unlocked the door. She heard chatter automatically as she made her way inside followed by Tiana's laughter. It was clear that they were in the living room. Destinee walked up on the two with her arms folded, TJ was shocked that she even came. He figured that Destinee was just talking to hear herself.

"You're playing with me, right?" Destinee questioned looking over at TJ.


"Is she carrying your baby or am I? You can't leave this bitch alone like y'all have three kids and a dog together."

"She's pregnant?" Tiana questioned TJ, "Why didn't you say something? We just had sex-"

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