Chapter 38

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I was woken up by mum and Rye carried me inside the house. I felt awful for the way I reacted before and I still wish I didn't storm out the way I did.

Mum took me into the bathroom and got out her medical kit to clean my cut. While she was working, I spoke. "Mum, I'm so sorry for the way I acted"

"Button, it's alright. Rye understands. We were so worried about you" she said sympathetically. "But it was no excuse" I said, trying not to cry. "Y/N" she whispered. "I'm sorry" I said again, now crying into her arms.

"I just didn't want to be abandoned. I thought that now that you've got Rye, things would be different. I was scared that you'd leave me... just like everyone else"

She pulled away and looked into my sad eyes. "Y/N, sweetheart. There is no one in this world who could possibly replace you. Rye knows that you will always come first and he understands that! He wants to be a part of your life, only if you will let him" she whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear and avoiding my cut.

"I will" I smiled softly. "You will?" she asked. I nodded, still smiling. "Thank you button" she whispered, hugging me once more. "Can I go and apologise to him properly?" I asked, hopefully. "Of course" she said, holding her hand out for me.

I took her hand and she led me into our living room. Rye stood up as soon as he saw us and his face softened. "Rye, Y/N would like to talk to you" mum told him. "Button, would you like me to stay?" she asked. "No, it's okay mum. You can go and get some rest" I smiled. She nodded and made her way up to bed.

I sat down on the sofa and turned to Rye. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about before. I was just worried that mum would leave me like everyone else. I'm used to it now but I finally found someone that actually cares about me and I'd be so lost if she left" I told him, trying not to cry.

He smiled softly at me, "Y/N, it's okay I completely understand! Helena has told me a little bit about your past and after today... I have seen that she cares so deeply about you and I would never take that away from you" he said. I shed a tear at his words, feeling even more guilty.

"I want you to be in our lives Rye, I really do. I know that you'll be good for my mum! She now has someone else in her life that cares about her. And I don't mind sharing" I chuckled. He smiled gratefully.

"Just promise me one thing" I said suddenly. He nodded, "don't break her heart" I said in a serious tone. "I wouldn't dream of it kiddo" he smiled. "Thank you" I smiled. "Come here" he said softly, holding his arms out. I happily accepted his offer of a hug. I could tell that he cared about the both of us and that he wasn't going to let my actions today affect him.

Letting another person into my life would be a challenge but it was something I was willing to accept for my mum. She has done so much for me and it's time for me to return the favour.

I said goodnight to Rye since he said he would go home and leave me and mum to it. I went upstairs and knocked on my mum's door. "Come in button" she said from the other side.

I opened it and fell into her embrace immediately. "How did it go?" she asked. "Good, really good!" I said. "I told him that I want him in our lives. But I also made him promise not to break your heart" I chuckled, also making her giggle. "Thank you button. I'm glad that you're happy to make things work" she smiled, pulling me closer to her.

"Today was a close call love, but it made me realise even more how lost I would be without you. I am so proud of how far you've come this past year. You've gone from a shy girl to an amazing young woman who is willing to accept change and try new things" she told me.

"I know you don't like me saying things like this but... I couldn't have done it without you. I have the best life I could ever have wished for. You saved me when I didn't even know that I needed saving. I owe you everything Helena Bonham Carter" I smiled.

"You don't owe me anything at all. You're doing everything you possibly can just by showing me that a mother's love is all a child needs" she whispered, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"You're my little button and that's all I ever wanted" she declared. "I love you mum" I whispered, almost falling asleep. "I love you too button"

Her little buttonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن