Chapter 19

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"Lovely to see you all again. Today Y/N this is a big focus on you" Gary smiled. "Are you ready?" he asked me. "More ready than I'll ever be" I smiled.

I took my place on the bench and got out my book, actually reading it. 

"And action!"

As I turned the page, a man came and sat next to me. I tried to ignore him but I felt his eyes on me. 

Ruby: Can I help you?

Frazier: Sorry, I'm John Frazier

Ruby: okay  *Ruby gives him a weird look and got back to reading*

Frazier: Are you Ruby Weil-Kluger by any chance

I gave him a funny look

Ruby: no - I don't trust this man at all, he gives me weird vibes

Frazier: I have a question for you Ruby

I ignored him and pretended to read

Frazier: Has your mum, Daphne, been nominated for an oscar? 

Ruby: I don't know, look it up *rolls eyes*

Fraizer: You're very hard to communicate with *sigh*

Ruby: because I don't want to talk to you about my personal life *slams book shut and stands up to leave*

Frazier: tell your parents that I know what they're up to *shouts as Ruby storms away*

"And cut! That was great. Okay, take a break before we do a changeover" Gary called out. I went to my trailer so that I could make a sandwich. 

"Hey sweetie, how did it go?" my mum asked when I went inside. "Well! I think" I sighed, going into the mini fridge and getting out some sandwich filling.

"What's up?" she asked, standing next to me. I sighed and leaned back against the bench. "I just don't think I did very well in that scene" 

"Oh button, you can always speak to Gary and retake it if you want" mum suggested. "It's okay, I don't want to be a pain. I think he's happy with it" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright. Eat up, are you ready for the next scene or do you want to sit out for a bit?" she asked, rubbing my arm. "I don't want to disappoint anyone so I'll do it" I smiled.

"Okay love, just say if you need a break" mum said. I nodded. 

We went back into the building ready for the next scene. 

"Places ladies, please" Gary shouted, and we did as he said. "ACTION"

Ruby: *bursts through the doors* I don't know what you guys have done, what you are planning and why you think it's a good idea but you are in SO MUCH TROUBLE

Lou: wait, what are you talking about 

*Daphne and Rose exchange worried looks*

Ruby: does the name John Frazier ring any bells? 

Debbie: Jesus, not again

Ruby: care to explain, anyone?

*Debbie and Lou look at Rose and Daphne for help, and they nod*

Debbie: Ruby, you may want to sit down for this


Ruby: Hang on a minute, so you're telling me that you robbed the Met Gala and are now planning on robbing the Oscars *rubs head* 

Debbie: yes

Ruby: *looks at Daphne and Rose* I am so disappointed in you two, why the hell didn't you say anything!

Rose: We wanted to protect you!

Ruby: From what? Yourselves?

Lou: Hey, maybe Ruby could help us?

Ruby: HOW? How am I supposed to help you? 

Daphne: Lou this is a really bad idea, if we get caught then she will have a criminal record before her life has even truly begun!

Ruby: well if this Frazier guy is sniffing around, I could maybe act as a deterrent?

Rose: *yells* Ruby no! I don't want you involved 

Debbie: actually Ruby, that is quite smart

"And cut! That was fantastic guys. I think it really does help that Helena and Y/N already have such a strong personal connection" Gary smiled. "Thank you Gary" Helena smiled.

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