Chapter 15

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TW- mentions of abuse and blood

Y/N pov

We landed in LA and grabbed our luggage. We even had our own personal drivers. "Button, are you alright with sharing a place with the girls?" Helena asked me. "Wait really? Of course!" I squealed. "Mum I can't thank you enough for this opportunity!" 

"No need to thank me! Thank Carl, he got you the role" she giggled at my excitement. 

We pulled up outside the house and it was so beautiful. "What is this place" I said in amazement. "This is Beverly Hills sweetheart" Cate said, putting her arm around me. I didn't notice but she winked at Helena, *thank you* Hellie mouthed. I was too busy looking at the house.

"Can we go inside now!" I pleaded. "Y/N! Wait till you see outback" Sarah yelled, racing inside. I looked at Helena and she nodded for me to go inside. I dropped everything and chased after Sarah. 

"Paulson wait!" I yelled, realising she was already out the back door. I got outside and saw a huge pool. Before I could say anything I felt someone grab my hand. I didn't have any time to react, I was already in the pool. 

I came up from beneath the water and saw Sarah laughing. "You're going to pay for that Paulson" I laughed, splashing her with water. She splashed me back but we stopped when we heard someone clear their voice behind us. 

"Seriously Y/N... Paulson, I thought you'd know better" Helena scolded us. But she couldn't even get another word out, because Cate pushed her into the pool and then jumped in herself. "BLANKETT!" Helena yelled. 

I stopped laughing once I realised that Helena's dress was probably weighing her down. "Guys stop! Help me get her out" I screamed. We pushed her up so she could sit on the side of the pool. "Thank you button but I'm fine. The dress was just a little heavy" she laughed, ringing it out onto the poolside.

"I- Helena why are you- oh..." Sandy said, coming out to see us all in the pool and Helena dripping wet on the side of the pool.

"Once again, I cannot control my kids" Sandra sighed, walking back inside. I couldn't stop laughing, "wait, she actually calls you her kids?!" I was genuinely shocked. 

"Yeah!" Cate laughed. "I didn't even realise! I thought it was just a joke that the internet made up" I giggled. "Wait, the internet says it too?" Sarah asked, getting out of the pool to sit next to Hellie.

"Yes! You, Cate and Sandy, are called the holy trinity. There are so many video compilations of you guys and a lot of the time it's captioned 'Sandra Bullock can't control her kids'. It's great!" I chuckled. "Is there anything on there about me?" Helena pouted. 

"Yes, mum! There are ones like Helena Bonham Carter being Helena Bonham Carter for 5 minutes straight. People edit all your interviews and make them more entertaining!" I exclaimed. "Do you guys not google yourselves?" I asked.

They all shook their heads. "Well, I haven't actually googled myself yet" I laughed.

"Button, you might not want to. The internet can be cruel to people" Hellie sighed. "Okay, I won't" I smiled, getting out of the pool. 

Sandra came back out, "Right you lot, get inside and dry so we can eat please" she said sternly. "Yes, mother" Cate and Sarah sighed together.

It was just me and Helena outside. "Are you alright mum?" I asked her, bringing her out of her thoughts. "I'm fine love, don't worry about me. Now come on, let's get you changed into something dry" she smiled. 


Everyone had gone to bed, it was just me and Helena downstairs. I was on my phone, I know she told me not to google myself but now I was curious. I searched 'Y/N Bonham Carter' but nothing came up. 

Then I tried 'Y/N Y/L/N'. There was only one article. I clicked on it.

Helena Bonham Carter has adopted a young girl; Y/N Y/L/N

*Doesn't sound too serious* I thought. 

After being a teacher at Y/N's school, the pair got on really well. We are unsure of the circumstances that Y/N was under but after a witness saw the pair leaving her home in Hampstead it appeared that Helena was bleeding from the head. What we want to know is, was Y/N being abused and did Helena Bonham Carter play the hero and rescue the young girl?

"They know" I whispered, making Hellie look up from her book. "What did you say button" 

"They know about what happened that day" I said, a tear rolling down my cheek. Helena moved from the couch she sat sitting on and sat next to me. She wrapped her arm around me, "show me what you're looking at please button" she sighed.

I handed her my phone and she read the text. "Oh love it's okay! They didn't say anything bad and it's just a speculation" she whispered, kissing the side of my head.

"But mum, they know that something bad happened that day. Somebody saw the blood on your head" I sobbed. 

"Hey shh, it's okay baby! Just because they saw it doesn't mean they know it's true" she smiled.

"Come on then, I think it's bedtime. We're going to set tomorrow to go over some things" she said, tickling me. "Stop!" I squealed laughing. 

She finally let go of me and stood up, "do you think I'll be alright tomorrow?" I asked, realising that this is all new to me still. "Of course, you will my love. Don't worry... now let's go to bed" she smiled. 

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