Chapter 10

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TW- nightmare

I was brought into a room with two people from social services. They handed me a bottle of water. My hands shook so I had to put it down. 

"Y/N we need you to tell us everything" one of them said. 

I sat and told them the whole thing, from my parents dying to the present day. 

"Thank you Y/N. And you will be staying with Miss Bonham Carter right?" I nodded. 

"Alright, we will check back up on you in a week, just to see how things are going" they smiled and left. 

I went and found Helena. "Hellie, what if they take me away from you? They said they're going to check up in a week" I bawled. She hugged me, "it's okay my love! I'll make sure that doesn't happen" 

"But how" I whispered. "I'll figure it out don't you worry. Now let's get you home" she smiled. We walked back to her car and she drove us to her place. 

We got out of the car, "wow! Your house is beautiful Hellie" I smiled. "Wait till you see the inside button" she giggled.

 She opened the door and I was hit with a wave of warmth and homeliness. "Helena I love it!" 

"I'm glad! Come on, I'll show you to your new room and then I'll fix you up some food" she exclaimed, taking me upstairs. "This is the spare bedroom so it's not exactly perfect" she sighed. 

I looked around and immediately flopped onto the bed. "Helena, it is perfect. I love it. Thank you so much for this" I squealed. She walked over to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Just leave your stuff here. You must be starving" 

"I am! How did you know?" I laughed. "Oh button, I can hear your stomach rumble from a mile away" I jumped off the bed laughing. Helena took my hand and we went downstairs. She started making me a sandwich.

"What filling do you want, button?" she asked. "Cheese!" 

"Cheese it is then" soon after, she handed me a plate and it was gone in seconds. 

Helena giggled, "I always wanted a daughter you know" she smiled. "Well, now you have one" I exclaimed, walking around the counter and hugging her. She kissed the top of my head and smiled. "Yes, yes I do" 

"Come on button, we best get you to bed" she giggled. "Alright" I sighed, realising it was really late. I got up and we walked upstairs.

"My room is right across from yours okay button. If you need me at all during the night, you know where I am" Hellie smiled. "Thanks, Hellie... goodnight" I smiled.

"Oh, come here silly" she whispered before pulling me into a tight hug. "Sweet dreams button" she said as I went into my bedroom. 

I woke up and I was back in my bedroom. "Helena?" I called out, but there was no answer. 

"Hellie?" I tried again but there was still no answer. I heard someone coming up the stairs, I drew my knees up under my chin out of fear. The door swung open slowly... my sister was standing before me. "Who are you calling for?" she laughed.

"Your precious teacher isn't here" she cackled. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER?" I yelled. 

Her face twisted into a devilish grin, one I had seen many times before, "you're never going to see her again Y/N... it's just you and me now" she whispered. She started to move towards me making me scream at the top of my lungs.

When I woke, I felt someone's arms around me. "It's okay button, I've got you... it was just a dream" Helena whispered, running her fingers through my hair. 

"I'm sorry if I woke you up" I whispered through my tears. "It's alright my love, I was awake anyway" she smiled. 

"I don't want to be alone" I whispered. 

"You don't have to be, I'll stay with you tonight" she said, pulling me close to her. We lay back down and she held me tight. I felt so safe in her arms. I knew now that this is the place I belong. Helena has been so good to me from the beginning and I thank her for everything she has done for me. 

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