Chapter 9

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TW- talks of abuse

Y/N pov

"Take a seat ladies" Mr Miller said, I began fidgeting with my hands while Helena did the talking.

"I told you, John! Something was going on, I am not having her stay there anymore. It really isn't safe" she exclaimed. 

"Helena, what happened to your head? I thought I told you to be careful!" he asked shocked. "I was careful! I stepped in the way of Y/N, her sister threw a book at her but luckily it hit me instead" 

"Okay, we need to get that checked out. Y/N? Are you alright?" he asked me. I just nodded. "I need you to tell me what's been going on... then I can inform social services. Does she have a place to stay Helena?" 

"Yes, with me" she smiled, grabbing my hand. "Helena, you know that's not possible... you are her teacher" he sighed.

"Not anymore! I quit" I stared at her open mouthed, "I can't believe you just did that Miss Bonham Carter... why?" I said, tears threatening to fall down my face. "I did it because I'm tired of this place, tired of not being treated like a normal person. And I need to know that you are safe" she told me, tears were now falling like a river down my face.

"Thank you" I mouthed. "Y/N, please explain to me what's been going on" Mr Miller asked.

"My sister, Bonnie, she- she's been abusing me for years. She hates the fact that she has to look after me. She tells me I have ruined her life every day" I sobbed.

"If it's not mental abuse, then it's physical... I've seen it for myself, John. There's smashed glass in the house, men laying around downstairs. She is in no fit state to look after a child. You have to believe me, Y/N is not safe there!" Helena begged, tears were now escaping her eyes too.

"I do believe you, Helena. Y/N, why didn't you say anything? Your suffering would have ended much sooner!" Mr Miller exclaimed. "I couldn't sir! I would have had nowhere to go, Bonnie is all I have left. Even though she hates me, she's still my sister. I miss the way she used to be when my parents were still here" I cried.

He handed me a tissue. "So that cut on your face... you didn't walk into a wall did you?" I shook my head. "I've had worse though, it's almost like I'm numb now" I laughed.

"Y/N, this isn't funny. This is extremely serious" he yelled. I sank into my chair and brought my knees up to my chin. "Easy John, you're scaring her!" Helena said.

"Sorry. Right, I'm going to ring social services and organise for you to stay with Helena" he said. 

"Thank you John" he left the room to call them. 

Helena turned to me, "are you alright button?" I nodded. "Helena can I please look at your head?" I asked and she nodded. 

I moved her hair out the way, the cut was pretty deep. I got up and grabbed the first aid kit on top of the shelf. I opened it and got out some alcohol wipes. "This is going to sting a little bit" I giggled. "Oh, how the roles have reversed" she laughed.

I began to dab away the blood from her head and she winced at the pain. I then grabbed a plaster and put it over the cut. I kissed her head, "better?"

"Better, thank you sweetheart" she smiled. I gave her a hug, "thank you for doing this Helena, I can't believe you quit for me" 

"I was probably going to do it sooner or later" she shrugged. "But then I'd never see you again" I pouted. "Don't worry, I would have given you my number love!" 

Mr Miller came back into the room. "They are on their way, the police are going to the house" he sighed. 

"Will she be okay... my sister?" I asked. Mr Miller shook his head. "I'm sorry Y/N, she will probably get arrested. What she was doing was child abuse" 

"But I-" Helena placed her hand over mine. "Sweetheart I know she is your sister but what she did was wrong" I nodded at Helena's words. I knew she was right but she is still my sister. 

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