Chapter 25

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I had just finished eating my lunch when there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it since everyone else was busy and I was the closest to the door.

When I opened it, I saw the same police officer from the station the other night in front of me. "Good afternoon Y/N, is it alright if I come in?" he asked politely. "Of course, come through and I will get Sarah and Cate" I smiled, allowing him to come in.

He took a seat on the couch and I quickly went to find Cate and Sarah. 

I found them both watching a film in Cate's room. "Guys, that policeman is here from the other day" I said. They both looked at each other and frantically got up. 

They rushed down the stairs, me following slowly behind them. By the time I reached the bottom of the stairs, they had already sat down.

I took a seat between them and the policeman started "It has come to light that your sister, Bonnie, is in fact still in prison where she rightfully belongs" 

I felt a wave of relief rush over me. She doesn't know where I am and there is no way she can find me. But then I realised, who was it that was actually texting me?

"The FBI has found an address linked to this number... it seems to have come from a burner phone" he said seriously. "Where about in England are you from Y/N?" he asked. 

"I'm from Hackney, it's in London" I replied. "That confirms it then. Do you recognise this address?" he showed me a piece of paper. It had an address and a photo of a familiar house on it. The realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Y-yes" I replied shakily. "Could you tell me who it is that lives there?" he asked me. "E-Elise Johnson" I stated. 

"Alright... do you have any connections with Miss Johnson?" 

"Yes. I used to... she was my best friend" I replied quietly. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but she was the source of the messages" the police officer said sympathetically. 

"No. It can't be... surely she wouldn't do something like that" I whispered. "What's going to happen now?" I asked. 

"The Metropolitan police will have spoken to Miss Johnson by now. After that, I cannot tell you what will happen as that is up to them" he shook his head. I nodded. 

"Thank you Sir" I gave him an appreciative smile. "No problem. I want to thank you ladies for your cooperation. Have a lovely day" he said, shaking our hands. "I will see myself out" he said as he got to walk out the door.

"Oh, and here is your phone back Y/N" he handed it to me with a smile. "Thank you" I smiled.

Once he was gone I turned back to face Cate and Sarah. "Y/N" Cate said sadly. "No, it's okay. She made her choice... I don't care what happens to her now" I said coldly. 

I went to walk to my room and as I sat down at my desk, my phone started to ring. 

I looked at the caller ID and thought to myself *she cannot be serious right now*

I answered it, just wanting to know what she had to say.

Elise: Y/N! Finally! I've been calling for the past few days and I've not had an answer yet

Y/N: Sorry, my phone's been with the police

Elise: The police? Why?

Y/N: Oh, I think you know why...

Elise: Y/N I am sorry

Y/N: I trusted you, Elise. You were the only person I ever told about what was truly going on, yet you still did it

Elise: I know. And it was so stupid of me

Y/N: Too right it was! I can't believe you would do such a thing!

Elise: I was just mad at you for leaving the way you did. You just took off without saying as much as a goodbye. I can't believe you would leave us for Helena Bonham Carter


Elise: I am your best friend!

Y/N: Correction! You were my best friend... Helena has helped me through so much, don't you dare speak her name, Elise. You have no right

Elise: I am facing the consequences, please! Just believe that I am truly sorry

Y/N: It's too late for sorry Elise. Do you know how frightening that was, getting those messages? Thinking that my life would be over. Thinking that Bonnie was coming to get me. You really have no idea!

Elise: Y/N I-

Y/N: I am so done talking to you. Please never contact me again... have a nice life, Elise

And with that, I hung up the phone. How does she even have the nerve to call me, after everything?

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