Chapter 33

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A/N- I'm aware Rachel and Kelly probably don't live in Florida but it's Sarah's home state and I wanted to talk about Florida as it's a beautiful state :)

We landed over an hour ago and went straight to Rachel and Kelly's home to meet them. I was so excited as I admire them so much. 

Sarah brought me to the door and I held her hand as I was nervous. When the door opened, I was met by a beaming Rachel who hugged her sister immediately. 

"You must be Y/N, it's wonderful to finally meet you! Sarah has told me loads about you!" she exclaimed, hugging me. I happily accepted the hug and smiled into her shoulder. "Come on in, Kelly is waiting" she smiled again and we stepped inside.

Their home looked exactly like it does on Instagram, perfect and beautiful.

"Sarah, Y/N! You're here" Kelly smiled, bringing us into a hug. "It's so good to see you guys" she let us go. I simply smiled at the two blondes before me.

"I recognise you, Y/N and I don't know why" Rachel suddenly spoke as we took a seat on her couch. My eyes widened, I knew exactly how she recognised me. I saw Sarah look directly at me in confusion. "Have you guys already met? Y/N sweetie, are you not telling me something?" she asked. 

"I uh- we've never met no. But Rachel you did like a video I made on TikTok a while ago" I said shyly. Rachel thought for a moment before speaking again, "wait! You made that cute video of the two of us didn't you" she gave me a huge smile. 

My heart dropped, she remembered. "Y-yes" I stuttered. "Oh, don't be embarrassed Y/N! It was a lovely video, I showed it to Kelly even though you tagged her. She's more famous than me on there" she laughed. "Yes but you have Instagram fame" Kelly chuckled.

"Sorry, it's just... I didn't think you'd remember. I was so happy when I saw that you'd seen and liked it. I made it because I adore the two of you. And one day I hope to have someone that I can call my Rachel to my Kelly" I smiled softly. 

Rachel and Kelly smiled at each other but Sarah looked fuming. I looked at her to make her say what was wrong, "why don't you make videos about me?" she asked, pouting. I stuttered, "I-I have.." 

She suddenly started smiling. "Why don't you show me?" she asked, making my stomach drop. "Uh, maybe another time" I tried to laugh it off. "No, please show me one now" she pouted again.

I gave in and brought up an edit I made of the two of us. As she watched it, her jaw dropped. "You made this?" she asked. I simply nodded. "It was before we had actually met" I sighed. "Oh my god! That's incredible! How did you do that Y/N? I really thought it was recent" she smiled at me. 

"That would take a lot to explain it Paulson" I laughed. "Well, either way, it was extremely cute Y/N!" she smiled at me, making me blush in embarrassment. 

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