Chapter 6

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We walked to her lesson, we were the first ones there again. "Just take a seat until everyone arrives. Gosh, I feel like I'm having Deja Vu" she chuckled. I smiled and took a seat at the back of the class. 

Everyone began piling in, it was good to see that they had settled down over the fact that Helena was our teacher. Karissa came and sat next to me. "Hey Y/N! You alright? I am so sorry about the way we went on yesterday"

"It's okay Rissa. I'm good though thank you" I smiled. "Oh, Elise asked me to talk to you, she said you got kicked out of English" 

"Oh, yeah. No, everything's fine I just wasn't in the mood" Karissa nodded and we got on with the lesson. 

"Guys, I need you to work in pairs. I want you to improvise a conversation. It can be about anything you like! We will be showing it back to the class at the end so make it good!" Helena told us.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "Erm, how about we argue about something?" Karissa laughed. "Sounds good, are you going to be able to keep a straight face though?" I laughed.

"Probably not but it's fine" she laughed. We worked on it, coming up with ideas until Helena told us to start presenting. We watched everyone's performances until it was our turn.

"Y/N and Karissa! Your turn" Helena winked at me. 

We both sat down and faced each other. 

K- I can't believe you didn't tell me Y/N, I'm so disappointed!

Y/N- What did you expect me to do, huh?

K- I-I don't know but you've hidden something so important from me, I don't even know if I can look at you right now. 

She turned away from me and crossed her arms. I placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N- Please Karissa, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you

She turned back to face me, she looked furious. 

K- Save it Y/N

She whispered then got up and left. I put my head in my hands and cried.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Miss Bonham Carter asked making me look up, "yes Miss, I'm fine!" I laughed, wiping away my tears. 

Thankfully the bell rang but she asked me to stay behind. 

Once everyone had left she asked me to sit down. "Were they real tears?" she asked a little worried. "Yes, but they didn't mean anything" I chuckled.

"Wow! I am so impressed with you, that's the first time I've seen anyone your age act like that. Have you ever thought about acting school?" I shook my head.

"Maybe that's something you should consider" 

"Possibly!" I smiled. "Right well, I'll let you go... see you tomorrow?"

"You certainly will" I smiled, getting up and ready to go home.

I left her classroom feeling happy. Happier than I've ever been before. 

I walked home at my usual pace and saw the same rubbish lying around when I got home. 

I walked through the door, no sign of Bonnie. I breathed a sigh of relief and went straight to my room to work on my homework. 

I had been working for about two hours when I heard a lot of talking downstairs. I know I should've stayed in my room but I wanted to see what was happening. 

I snuck downstairs and saw Bonnie had about 5 boys in the house. "What are you doing Bonnie?" I asked, standing in the doorway.

She jumped off one of the men's laps and picked up a glass. I ducked when she threw it at me, narrowly missing my head. "Piss off Y/N!" she yelled. I gasped and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I pushed my dresser against my door and sobbed myself to sleep. 

I hate this house, I wish someone would come and take me away I cried into my pillow. 

Her little buttonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora