Chapter Two:The Ball Pt.2|Twisted Fates(✿◠‿◠)

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I run down the stair, heels in hand, trying to make it to the car before dad starts complaining about being late. He despises being late. On the other hand, I can't help but be late for everything. When I used to attend university, someone would have to wake me up two to three hours before the start of my classes.

 When I used to attend university, someone would have to wake me up two to three hours before the start of my classes

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Outside the car, Taylor -my dad's secretary- is waiting for me with my dad, not in sight. I'll be so pissed if he bails out on me again. As much as I adore my dad, he disappoints me constantly. But I shouldn't rush to conclusions. I'll feel guilty again. Story of my life! Seriously!

"Where's dad?" I ask Taylor, who looks uncomfortable when I mention my dad's whereabouts. "Something came up last minute, and he couldn't make it. He hopes you won't pull out last minute and enjoy your night at the ball." So much for spending time with me! He did what he always does, and I can't say anything. I've tried countless times, and he always brings up my lifestyle. In his words: "If I didn't work, how would you be living the way that you are now." Overall, I try to hide my anger and disappointment because I don't want to make Taylor sad. For as long as I can remember, Taylor was in my life. Even when my dad couldn't be, he was there. I remember one time, I think it was when I was graduating high school, and my dad couldn't be there. Taylor attended the ceremony, and he spent the day with me. He saw how sad I was, and he told my dad. He advised him not to miss my milestones, and it was then that he almost lost his job. Since then, I try looking indifferent in front of him and break down later when I'm alone.

"We are here," Taylor informs me. "You don't have to open the door for me. Thank you, though." I open the door and step out of the car carefully so as not to trip on my dress. "Have fun, and remember to be careful. When you want to leave, I'll be waiting here." I send him a bright smile and close the door.

I take out my invitation as I walk inside, feeling my nerves building up. There are too many people! What if I trip or make a fool out of myself? "You can enter. Enjoy your night!" the bubbly hostess in an ancient greek style says. I wish she could give me some of her bubbliness. I'm so anxious that I feel like I'll have a heart attack for sure. I'm overreacting, but I'm an introvert. Big crowds make me nervous, and I tend to stay away from them.

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