Chapter Fourteen: Out of my mind|Twisted Fates (❁'◡'❁)

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"These two men are werewolves," I state

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"These two men are werewolves," I state.

There is silence in the room, and even a pin dropping can be heard. Ophelia looks stunned, while the two men look passive.

"You can't say these things!" Angelina whisper-shouts in my ear and sends them an apologetic smile.

"It's okay. She's still drowsy from the medicine. We'll come back when she feels better." The shorter man assures Angelina and pulls the man out of the room.

The man had his eyes trained on me the entire time he was in the room. It wasn't a menacing look but more of concern.

"Why would you say such a thing? Especially in front of strangers. They must think you have gone crazy!"

"I know what I saw, and I know what my gut is telling me. I'm saying that the man's eyes are the same as one of the wolves that saved us!" I exclaim heatedly.

It's absurd, but I saw those eyes in that wolf. I'm a woman of few words and don't say stuff for fun. Everything points to that. From the wolves fighting to us being here, everything indicates they are werewolves, creatures humans believe are fictitious.

"You're driving me crazy. I didn't sign up for this shit." Angelina exclaims. She falls back on the chair and hides her face in her hands.

"You don't understand, and you have no desire in trying to understand me."

It sucks for me, and it's unfair. I always put myself in other people's shoes, but nobody does it for me. It doesn't always have to make sense to be true. If only she heard my reasoning, maybe she would change her mind. But how can I talk to someone who doesn't want to hear?

"You're right that I don't understand. Then, help me understand why you said such a thing because it makes no sense."

"You have to focus on me, and try to remember what happened," I exclaim, and she nods.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask her, and when she shakes her head, 'no' I continue.

"They must have told you we had an accident, but I remember everything. I remember seeing a silhouette and approaching it to find a werewolf. The wolf attacked me, and a black wolf saved me. Why did the wolf help me? Why were we brought here and not to another hospital? Nothing makes sense."

Angelina remains silent, taking everything in. I give her a moment to process everything and maybe remember something. I have no hopes because she wasn't present at the attack, but maybe, she saw something from the car.

"There are many things here that don't make sense, and I remember seeing two black wolves, but it doesn't explain why they helped us."

I shake my head. "It doesn't, but we don't have time to deal with someone else's problems. We have to leave now and deal with our issues."

I take the IV out and lift the covers, but she stops me.

She pushes me back and says, "Now is not the time for that. You were hurt, and you need to rest. Whatever they are, they did a good job of treating you. We'll stay here until you have recovered, and then we'll leave."

When she turns around, I stand up quickly and start getting changed into the clothes left on the chair. Angelina tries to stop me from leaving, but with no result.

"I'm leaving with or without you. When we get back to the city, I'll visit my doctor."

"I won't be able to stop you, will I?"

When I shake my head, she gives in and helps me change.

After we have gathered our stuff, we exit the room into a massive hallway. We turn right and continue straight ahead until we arrive at the reception. The receptionist panics as soon as she sees us, and suddenly her eyes glaze over. We ignore her and exit the building. We find ourselves in a big garden with all kinds of flowers.

"Wow! These are beautiful!" Angelina takes her phone out to snap a few pictures, but I stop her.

"We have to go before they come and find us."

I pull her along as I try to find my car, but I find nothing. We end up outside a gigantic house with many expensive cars parked. Figuring out we have no other option, I check if one of the cars is unlocked and has the key in the ignition. Bam! There is one Volvo SUV!

"Let's go!"

I get into the driver's seat, and she occupies the passenger seat. Before I can turn the ignition on, the doors on both sides open and the two men stand on either side.

"Where are you two going? The doctor didn't say you could be discharged." The shorter man who is standing next to Angelina says.

Angelina doesn't say anything and stares at her hands as if they are the most interesting thing in the world, so I take matters into my own hands.

"Thank you for everything, but I think my doctor can take it from here."

I speedily turn on the ignition and pull away. I drive fast to create some distance, but I see no car coming after us. That's way easier than I anticipated.

"Why are you like that?" I ask Angelina who is sulking, but she doesn't answer. I turn to look at her, but my eyes catch movement from outside the window.

"Do you see that?" I question.

Angelina and I loom outside but see nothing until two black wolves appear in the middle of the street, making me hit the brakes.

"The wolves." We both breathe out as we stare at the two familiar creatures. 


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