Chapter Twenty-Nine: Building Bonds|Twisted Fates (❁'◡'❁)

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As he confesses, "I have feelings for you," my heart skips a beat

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As he confesses, "I have feelings for you," my heart skips a beat. Knowing he has been waiting to share this out of fear of pressuring me fills me with warmth and affection. Eros likes me, and I am overjoyed to feel the same towards him. Finally, my love life has taken a turn for the better, and I am grateful for this moment.

Curious about the status of our relationship, I ask, "So, what are we?" I am eager to know if we are just friends, a couple, or friends with feelings for each other. When he suggests we become boyfriend and girlfriend, I playfully refuse, hoping he will understand that he needs to ask me first. His laughter fills the air as he realizes his mistake and apologizes.

He takes my hand, leading me to a bench where he kneels and says words I have longed to hear my entire life. "Angelina Hooks, you're the most beautiful, selfless woman I've ever met. You came to me like a saving grace when I was in the darkest period of my life. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, I say, "Yes! I will!" as he slides the keychain onto my finger. Jumping into his arms, I feel pure bliss and a sense of belonging. His love radiates through me, and his warmth comforts my heart. With him by my side, I feel secure that I can navigate all the hardships life throws at me. It feels like a fairytale, and I have finally met my prince charming. It may be just a story to some, but this is my life, and I am determined to make it a happy one.


I'm walking with a skip on my step like I did when I was younger as I stride through the fields decorated with colorful flowers alone because Eros is visiting the training grounds. I halt in front of the red roses and inhale their smell. These flowers were witnesses to my happiest moment, and they'll be able to keep it a secret for me, but I will be unable to conceal it. Why should I hide it, though? My relationship with Eros is a beautiful progression. My next goal is to build a relationship with my new-found family.

I open the sliding doors, entering the luxurious living room where Ophelia and our parents are occupying. Did I step into the twilight zone? There's no way I would have guessed this turn of events, but I'm not mad about it. Quite the opposite, I'm thrilled. Ophelia comes off as more stoic, hard-headed, and indifferent Whereas, I appear as an introverted, gentle soul. Both perceptions are wrong. I'm easygoing and compassionate, but I'm extroverted; I warm up to people quickly. Ophelia, on the other hand, is a rare soul. She loves romantic gestures and values honesty and benevolence. She's the person to take the jacket off her shoulders to offer it to you. Her flaw is that she's closed off. It requires a lot of time and effort for her to open up, and if you hurt her, it's game over. Our parents are a different story. We both acknowledge the difficulty of the situation and yearn for the family we never got to have. What changed with Ophelia? She felt true happiness, and her heart opened up to new possibilities.

"Hello, what were you so engrossed in that you didn't hear me coming in?" I ask. Startled, they all jump, and Ophelia nearly falls to the ground.

"Ophelia was telling us about her career," Taylor, our father says. I remind myself to refer to them as my parents from now on. It may take some getting used to, but it will come naturally eventually.

"Really? And what about you, Mom? Do you like it?"

As soon as she hears me call her "Mom," her eyes well up, and she gasps. Does she comment on it? No, no one does. It seemed like she was afraid I wouldn't call her that again, while the other two didn't know how to react.

She clears her throat and quickly wipes away her tears. "I don't like that she gets hurt, but if she likes it, that's all that matters to me. Do what makes you happy, and we'll support you in any way we can."

Her response not only satisfies me but also makes Ophelia happy. I see her looking down at her hands with a big smile on her face.

"What about you? What's your passion?"

She's directing her question to me. I thought Dad would have kept her up-to-date on my life, but I doubt he did. I think she's asking out of politeness and to connect with me.

"I'm studying Design, but I don't think I'll get my degree after missing so many classes." I was supposed to get my degree in a few months, but that was before everything happened. It's worrying me, and I'm disappointed in myself for delaying it so much that I can't get it now.

"Maybe we can talk to Dion about it. He's well-established and influential. Surely, he'll know someone who can help," Ophelia suggests, and the others nod in agreement.

"He's in the hospital. Let him rest. I'll deal with the University later."

Silence fills the room as none of us has anything to say. Our parents exchange glances while Ophelia and I stare at the floor. Suddenly, memories from earlier pop into my head, bringing a big smile to my face.

"What's making you smile like you've won the lottery?" Ophelia whispers in my ear.

"Eros and I are officially together now."

She gasps in surprise before covering it with a cough. The cough is enough for our parents to turn their attention to each other.

"We're going to your room, and you're telling us everything," she declares. She excuses us and grabs my hand, pulling me upstairs.

"Wait, I forgot to bring snacks! I'll be back in a second." She runs off before I can respond.

Love looks beautiful on her! Ophelia is so cheerful and enthusiastic. The side of her that she was hiding is now coming out.

She returns in two minutes with her arms full of chips, chocolates, and more. My cholesterol will skyrocket today!

"Don't you have to visit Dion today?"

"Nah, I went in the morning. They discharged him this morning, and he's resting in his room now. I told him today is all about you and me. Now spill. Who confessed first? How did he ask you to be his girlfriend? Tell me everything."

Is this what having a sister feels like? If so, I never want it to end. Sharing everything with someone who understands and is happy for me is an incredible feeling. It's a feeling that I want to experience again.

Is life getting better now? Maybe the storm has passed, and good things are waiting for all of us.

Is life getting better now? Maybe the storm has passed, and good things are waiting for all of us

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