Chapter Thirty-Four: I was found, but am I safe?|Twisted Fates (❁'◡'❁)

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Nervously, I bite my nails as I pace back and forth in the spacious living room that suddenly feels small

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Nervously, I bite my nails as I pace back and forth in the spacious living room that suddenly feels small.

I can't describe how I felt when I discovered that someone abducted Ophelia. I felt like I lost the ground beneath my feet, the air to breathe, but I was useless. I felt helpless and guilty because I believed I should have been in her place. I still believe in that sentiment.

There's no doubt in my mind Steven is behind Ophelia's abduction.

No one has directly expressed this belief, but it's in the back of everyone's mind.

I spent all my life beside that person that I considered my father, but he was a mere imposter, impersonating my father and gaslighting me into believing my mum wasn't alive. I escaped his grasp, only for him to sink his teeth again, but this time on Ophelia. Why her? Why couldn't it be me?

Heck, I'm not the only person with that guilt.

My parents are in each other's embrace, comforting each other with tear-stricken eyes and trembling hands. My mum appears cool, calm, and collected, but I can see through her facade. She's breaking inside and is on the verge of a mental breakdown, but she sees that my dad and I have lost it, and she doesn't want to burden us more, so she's holding it in.

That's one of the things Ophelia and our mother have in common. I wish they didn't have that trait and trusted the people around them more to care for them for a change.

Suddenly, the door opens, and all heads avert to it, hopeful it would be Ophelia.

It's Eros.

I love Eros, but God knows how much I wanted Ophelia to walk through the door.

He sees my trembling and sits beside me, hugging me to his side.

"Did you hear anything from Dion?" I question, my voice muffled.

"No, but no news is good news, right?"

"Not always," I mutter, closing the subject.

"By the way, why are you here? Why didn't you follow the others?"

I have him in front of me, and I'm thankful to see with my two eyes that he's safe, but it's an odd decision on Dion's behalf not to use all his forces.

"Dion left a group of us behind to protect you and lead you to safety. He didn't want to take everyone with him in case they used the abduction as a decoy and attempted to attack us."

It makes sense.

I guess that's why he's the Werewolf King. He's more detailed and scheming than the rest of us.

"You three should follow me to the safe house. Almost everyone has made it there already."

"I'm not going," the three of us respond simultaneously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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