Chapter Thirty: Looming Threat|Twisted Fates (❁'◡'❁)

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I was ecstatic when Ophelia decided to give our relationship a go, but she's holding back

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I was ecstatic when Ophelia decided to give our relationship a go, but she's holding back. Ever since I returned home from the hospital, she has withdrawn and shut herself inside her room. No one, not even Angelina, has any clue as to what's going on. I'm torn between confronting her or giving her space and time, but whatever I choose to do, I want it to be for her benefit, not my selfish reasons. Leon and I agree that her behavior is bizarre and out of the blue. At first, after she decided to give me a chance, she was more involved with me and always tried to be open about her emotions even though she used to be closed off. If we took ten steps forward, we stepped twenty steps backward. I've ordered everyone to be alert to everything happening around her to figure out whether it's due to the external environment. But if I continue to come up empty-handed, I'm afraid I'll have to face her. Ophelia is my end game, and I'm not afraid to put my heart on the line for her. She's my top priority, especially now that it's apparent that she's going through a difficult time.

"Alpha, can I speak with you?"

I motion for Millie to enter the room, and she shuts the door before sitting across from me. I consider Millie as my second mother, and she's been there for me since I was born, but after losing both my parents, she took the role of the mother and the father. She's the person I care about the most after Ophelia, and I wanted to take care of her. I proposed she stop working and spend time with her family, but she wanted to continue working in the packhouse cooking and cleaning. Out of all the rooms in this house, she has never entered my office ever since I took on the role of the Alpha King. For her to come here, there has to be a valid reason.

She's fidgeting in her seat, avoiding eye contact and sweating. "Ma, aren't you feeling alright? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"It's not that. I don't know how to say it." She pauses. "I noticed something. I wanted to tell you, but I promised I wouldn't. I knew I couldn't keep it a secret for much longer, but I didn't know how to break it as gently as possible."

"Ma, take a deep breath." I disturb her rambling. "Whatever it is, I won't blame you for anything. So, gather your thoughts and when you're ready, I'm listening."

I grab a clean glass from the cupboard and fill it with water, offering to her. She gulps it all down in one go.

"Two days before your release and while Luna was visiting you, I was cleaning her room. As I was dusting the furniture, I accidentally knocked over a book from the nightstand. As I was picking it up, I came across a piece of paper that was threatening her safety indirectly."

My blood runs cold, and Leon presses to take control. 'We need to figure this out. Lashing out will help no one." I scold Leon, to which he scoffs.

"Does she know you found it?"

She nods, "She noticed that it wasn't in the same spot so she came looking for the person who cleaned the room. I originally declined to find it, but I had to acknowledge it. I insisted we had to let you know, but she said that you were recovering and we shouldn't hinder that with something insignificant."

"You did well by letting me know. I'll make sure she won't figure out it was you informed me."

She nods in gratitude before excusing herself, posture straight and her shoulders less tense.

At least now I know the root of her sudden change, but I don't know how to approach the subject. I've given her time, and she still hasn't come clean. I can't give her more time. I only know about one note. I doubt there aren't more. Things have escalated quickly, and I'm in the dark about how much things have progressed. I need to do something immediately. With that thought in mind, I go looking for the person who will be able to help me.

"I need your help," I exclaim as soon as I find Angelina.

"Me? Why?" She looks bewildered as she raises her gaze from the book she's reading.

"Not here, not right now. Follow me and I'll explain on the way."

She's perplexed, but she follows me nonetheless. She actively listens as I brief her about everything on the way to Ophelia's room.

"Why didn't she mention anything to me? I thought we were close." Angelina says, tearing up.

"It has nothing to do with you. She cares for you, but she doesn't want to worry anyone. It's innate to her to face her problems alone without putting anyone in danger."

We arrive at her bedroom, and I pull Angelina aside. "Ophelia went for a walk in the garden, we don't have much time. I'll search her room to see if I can find anything. In the meantime, keep an eye out for her, and if you see her knock on the door twice."

She nods.

I crack the door open, peeking inside to make sure the room is vacant, and it is. I silently close the door and start going through Ophelia's things. I open every cupboard, every book, I check every surface, but I find nothing. In her closet, maybe she hid it there. I open the closet, and soon enough, there is a box underneath her clothes. I find the notes at the bottom of the box, hidden underneath old photos. All of the notes have the same MO, toying with her and indirectly threatening her with not only her safety but her loved ones as well including Angelina, me, her parents, and her manager. Whoever is sending those messages knows a lot about her. A selective group of people knows Angelina and Ophelia are sisters, and even fewer people know who their parents are and that they're still alive.

'She's coming,' Leon senses her and says at the same time that Angelina knocks on the door twice. I hurry and put everything back in its original place before slowly opening the door to check whether I have enough time to leave. I don't have it. I can still try, but the odds are against me.

I motion for Angelina to leave, "I'll act as if I was waiting for her."

I sit on the chair, pretending to read a book as Ophelia enters the room.

"What are you doing here?" She questions, slipping off her jacket.

"I was waiting to ask you if you wanted to grab a bite with me." Hopefully, my excuse is believable.

She scans my posture and face before answering, "Sure. Do you want to go now?"

"If you want."

"Let me put my jacket in the closet and grab a warmer one." She opens the door to hang her jacket, but as she's putting it away, it slips through her finger and onto the floor. She bends to pick it up, but she freezes.

"What is it?"

She stands up, raising her right hand, "What is this doing here?"

I'm screwed.

I'm screwed

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