Chapter Thirty-One: Behind The Mask|Twisted Fates(❁'◡'❁)

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As I look at the paper in my hand, I can't believe what I'm seeing

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As I look at the paper in my hand, I can't believe what I'm seeing. I'm sure I put everything away in the box to keep it hidden from anyone after what happened last time. There's only one explanation for this. "Did Millie tell you about this?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I already told you why I came here alone." Despite his words, his body language shows that he's lying. He avoids eye contact and his ears turn red, signs that he's not telling the truth.

"Don't pretend, Dion. I know you saw it. Tell me the truth, or it won't be easy to forgive you." I warn him.

"Okay, I saw it, but why did you mention Millie? Did she have anything to do with it?" He tries to act innocent.

It can't be. Nobody else knows about this except for her. The place where I hid the box wasn't too difficult to find, but someone had to know where to look. I also put some old photos on top to make it less obvious.

"I know Millie told you," I say. "It bothers me a little, but I understand why she did it. She did it out of love, but pretending is not the solution."

He admits, "Millie told me about one of the notes, and I found the rest when I was looking for it." His eyes fill up with tears, and he continues. "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we agreed to give our relationship a chance, and that means being there for each other through the good and bad times. Why did you keep this from me? I don't want to think about what would have happened if Millie hadn't told me. I could have lost you, Ophelia, without even having a chance to fight for you."

How can I disagree with him when I know he's right? I would have been upset if the roles were reversed.

But I didn't intend to keep it from him. I wanted to tell him from the first note, but I thought it was too soon. I foolishly believed that the notes would stop, but they kept coming, and it became more difficult to confess as time went by, until Millie found them. You know what happened next.

"I understand why you did it, so I'm not angry with you. But you could have told me from the beginning. I wouldn't have hurt Millie for this. I may be a boxer, and it's a violent sport, but I'm not a violent person. If you had come to me with evidence, like Millie's testimony, for example, I would have told you everything. Instead, you went behind my back and searched through my things." I explain.

"I'm sorry for making assumptions, but I thought you wouldn't tell me even if I asked. I didn't mean to invade your privacy, but I wanted to see for myself how things were going. My approach was wrong, but can you forgive me and tell me everything?"

Before joining him on the bed, I take the box and empty its contents onto the bed.

"It all started the day before you left the hospital. I came to tidy up, and my room was a mess: clothes on the floor, furniture upside down, and books torn. I found the note in the bathroom, with 'Angelina' written in bold red letters on the mirror. At first, I wanted to tell you, but you were in pain, so I thought it could wait. But then I received another note, and another, until it got out of hand, and I didn't know how to tell you."

"Why would they threaten Angelina? Why not threaten you directly? They know you care about her a lot and thought they could get to you this way. Did they threaten anyone else?"

"They threatened everyone: you, my parents, Eros, but they focused on Angelina a lot," I reply, my concern growing with each passing moment.

"We should show the notes to Angelina in case she can recognize the handwriting and check whether she received any of her own," Dion suggests, his voice laced with concern.

I don't want to upset Angelina by bringing up her traumatic past, but we can't ignore it any longer. With that in mind, Dion takes the box to his office while I set out to find Angelina. I feel a sense of worry building inside of me as I search. What if she's not okay? What if something happened to her?

Eventually, I find Angelina in the living room with Eros by her side. My concern only grows stronger as I take in her terrified expression.

"I only did it to help," she pleads, fear evident in her voice.

My heart breaks for her. "What are you talking about?"

"Weren't you referring to Dion looking for notes?" she asks, confusion etched on her face.

I shake my head in reply, my confusion mounting.

"I gave myself away." Angelina scoffs, and Eros laughs at that. Angelina glares at him, and he immediately stops. "Then why are you here?"

"Dion and I want to show you something. Eros can come too since he's your boyfriend." I pause, hoping they'll both follow me.

Once we're in Dion's office, I stand by his side while Angelina and Eros take a seat in front of us. My worry only intensifies as Dion hands her the notes without saying anything. Angelina and Eros stare at them puzzled until Angelina opens one of the notes and freezes.

"That's da- Steven's handwriting." She gasps.

Now, we know for sure that it was Steven behind everything. That explains his obsession with Angelina, but it doesn't answer the other questions we have. How did he find us? How did he manage to enter the house undetected with so many werewolves living there? The more questions I have, the more my worry grows.

"That's no good. I'm taking her from here." Eros declares, shaking his head.

I can't help but agree with him. "Separating the two of them won't solve anything. I suggest we relocate them to a cabin in the woods for the time being, until we take care of that scumbag. We should send them and their parents. They're his ultimate goal and their daughters are pawns in his game."

Despite our concerns, Angelina and I both disagree with that plan. "We're not going anywhere," we say simultaneously. "This is our battle to fight. The only reason we are his stepping stones is because he assumes we're weak. After all, everyone else fights our battles except for us. This has to change, and you must respect our desire to resolve this ourselves. We need your help, but we have to do this together, united."

Dion and Eros fall silent as they consider our words. "There's no chance you'll change your mind?" Dion asks, his worry evident in his voice.

Angelina and I shake our heads in unison. "Fine, I'd rather be by your side and protect than helplessly worry about you," Dion agrees.

Despite his words, I can still hear the worry in his voice, and it only serves to heighten my own. "Great, so what's the plan?" Angelina asks.

 "Great, so what's the plan?" Angelina asks

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Twisted Fates [Rewriting ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora