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When the genjutsu fell I quickly released it and went into the arena where Gai and Kakashi were fighting. I jumped and slammed a juken strike to the heart of a enemy ninja killing him. I got into position as Kakashi nodded. "What's your team doing Kurai?" He said as I showed off my heavenly defense that I learned from Neji. "The blind giants helping the civilians and I haven't seen butterfly girl, I'm helping you out and Anko is dealing with the giant snakes." Kakashi nods as he cuts through person with his chidori. I use a fire jutsu that sends out a fireball as a group closes in. Gai kills three, using speed and power. More were coming but they were no match. Kakashi did a water jutsu and I did a lightning jutsu adding more power to it as it shocks several ninja and Gai finishes them off. I hope tis isn't the best they got, if so they going to need more than that to take us down.

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