The Forest of Death

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We were waiting in front of an old gate. The forest in front of us was to be the next part of our exam. Our proctor I just happened to be our sensei. As our sensei went over the rules of the next test me and my team were talking with each other quietly planning how we would pass it. Kurai came up with the idea for Innen to track the scroll that we needed. we were asked to sign forms, saying that the proctor was not responsible for any fatalities in the test. She went over the rules of a test and then told us to begin.

As soon as the test started Innen set off at a brisk pace as Innen tracked down the scrolls. We honed in on a group of mist ninja as our targets and moved in to surround them. I came out of the woods and spoke out to the group ninja. " Hey idiots! Why don't you make this easy for me and hand over your scroll?" I shouted to the enemy ninja as I approached them. They took one look at me and laughed, until I quickly went behind one of them and knocked him out. I then quickly knocked out the other two ninja and retrieved the scroll as my team moved in and tied up the knocked out ninja.

We had gotten our scrolls and was about to head to the tower, when I noticed that we were being watched. I quickly caught my team's attention and told him to get into defensive positions as I felt the enemy ninjas signature approaching. I knew immediately that we were in for a fight because it was the same signature as the ninja that ambushed us on our first C-rank mission.

As I approached I was once again detected by the blind one, I knew he was going to be trouble but this time, he was my target. I had already placed my curse mark on my first choice for my new vessel but I planned to use him as my second in case something happened to the first. "Come on out! I know you're here, no use in hiding." His sensory abilities armazing, I'm a master at stealth but you can still detect me. I thought as I came out of the forest. "So, once again you noticed me before I could sneak up on you, very clever, I must admit your sensory abilities are well above the average ninja" I said as the brown haired girl hid behind the blind giant. "You don't need to worry little girl, I'm more interested in your blind friend then you this time." I said as the blind ninja went on guard. Third person

The black haired ninja went on the attack as the team surrounded him. He jumped into the air and sent out several snakes that home in on the team. Nanato quickly summoned her butterflies who blocked his attack as Kurai used the phoenix flower jutsu hitting his left arm , however the black haired nin quickly retaliated by throwing an explosive tag directly onto her body. The explosion sent her flying into a nearby tree knocking her unconscious. The black-haired nin then proceeded to attack Nanato using a combination of attacks. He was quickly getting the advantage over her till he nearly lost his head to a chakra blade as Innen materialized out of fin air and went on the attack. Innen continually attacked at blinding speed, sharingan blazing as he landed several gashes on the black-haired nin. The enemy nin saw that he was being pushed back so using a wind based jutsu he targets Nanato. Nanato screams as the jutsu heads toward her but before it can hit Innen gets in front of the attack as it leaves several gashes on him. The force of attack sent her flying and the last thing she sees before she blacks out is Innen walking over to her wit a limp.
Blind here, so I want to save it for next chapter will be up soon but I also want to say that's so far all my viewers have been really appreciated. I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does. Next chapter we will find out what happened to the team and the preliminaries will start.!!!

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