Nanato Versus Seishan

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The hirashin! I didn't think I would ever see it again. I guess Genma wished to get rid of Innen's one weakness for the exam. I thought as the next match was called. Seishan Versus Nanato. Nanato Senju, she has a lot of her mother in her. The girl has a lot of potential, it's half the reason I put her on Anko's team. I think as I hear the Kazekage speak to me.

As the match started I charged my chakra into my fist as I started my attack. Seishan was known for her mach speed kekai gekai. Although she couldn't use jutsu she made up for it in physical strength. Before I could land a hit she practically teleported behind me and landed a direct hit. Luckily my mother had taught me how to use my chakra as a shield so I wrapped myself in a shell of chakra before I hit a wall. I used the dust to send out my butterflies to strategic locations on the field before launching my next attack.
Third person

The battle then sped up with mach speed while Nanato teleported to match the speed. Only the elite jounin noticed when the wire trap set by Nanato triggered trapping Seishan. As the wires held her down Nanato began gathering chakra into her hand witch as it grew swirled like a tornado. As Seishan went to escape Nanato attacked yelling out her jutsu's name, the rasengan. The impact was so powerful when Seishan hit the wall(poor wall) she went straight through it. The medics carried Seishan away as Nanato was named the winner.

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