The next day, peace

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Father Billy knocked at Father Johns bedroom door, he knew what had happened, Father John, was never late, even less not to show up for his 7 o'clock class or work without having a replacement.

He hesitated to open the door he found him in his bed, father John looked very peaceful like he was sleeping, he had Kate's braided hair around his hand and his other hand on top, having her hair next to his heart, Caterina was nuzzled by his shoulder.

Father Billy said a prayer came back and gave him the holy oils

A week later Father John was cremated with Kate's braid, father Billy gave the mass at 7am, in a small chapel inside the church, Tom John's brother and Jenifer Kate's sister and priests that knew and loved him were present.

They gave the ashes to his brother Tom.

Not a word was spoken, Tom gave Father Billy a smile like saying thank you for everything.

The priests also left, a few that didn't want to leave just yet went inside the house and sat at the kitchen table, there were four at the table, Dan and Billy were standing leaning on the kitchen counter, still not a word was spoken, one of the priests at the table said looking at father Billy and Father Dan

-you know what happened? Was he sick? He looked so thin, so pale, for some time.

-no, the coroner said that his heart just stopped.

Everyone said nice things about father John, they all loved him, father Billy and Father Dan knew that he died of a broken heart, and that he was with Kate in a better life, they were broken hearted, John was like a brother.

father Billy and Father Dan already had put John's belongings neatly in boxes for his brother to take home.

They helped Tom put them in the back of his SUV (sport utility vehicle) before heading back home, Tom drove to the same beach where they talked just a year ago, he walked to the end of the pier and scattered his ashes at sea where Kate's ashes were scattered, he knew that that was what John would have wanted.

he got into his SUV, said goodbye to his brother and never looked back.

A Lovely StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ