A friendship developed

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Pling, pling, Kate's phone.

-Hi Kate, I've been ignoring this rash in my hand for a week, but it doesn't seem to go away, it looks like an allergy, what do you think, doesn't hurt or anything just itches.

Kate looked at the photo he send of the back of his hand.

-it looks like contact-dermatitis, did you change soaps?

-not hand soap, but detergent don't know I haven't spoken to the lady that does our laundry.

-can you come to my office today for a cream medication, I can see you at 5:30pm

-ok, thanks I'll be there.

John was in her office at 5:00 he knew she closed at 6 so he didn't want to be late.

-good afternoon, I have an appointment at 5:30, Father John Harris

-yes, the doctor will see you in just a moment

-thank you

he sat down, put his glasses on to fill out the medical forms,

the waiting room was empty he was the last patient

a patient came out and in a little while the assistant said to go right in.

he entered the room, Kate gave him a big smile, like she was glad he came to her office.

-hi how are you? so glad to see you? sit up here, she pointed to the examining table,

her assistant also said hi and because he was so tall, he didn't need a step stool that she usually gives the patients when they sit at the examining table.

Kate put on her gloves and took a look at his hand,

-looks like contact-dermatitis, doesn't look bad, but very smart you didn't wait, sometimes it spreads and looks ugly, I have some steroid cream, put it on twice a day for a week, it should be cleared in a couple of days but use it for a week, if it doesn't clear up come and see me.

-thank you

-you're welcome, she added with a big smile

he went out the door, the assistant that was inside by now was outside with the receptionist she told him that it was fine no payment required.

-thank You

when he got to his car, he sends her a message

-thank-you Kate,

-your welcome John, take care.

-If you're not tired, can I at least invite you to dinner or coffee?

-of course, I never say no to a cup of coffee, there's a coffeehouse on the corner.

-yes, I see it.

-see you there in a few minutes.

he got a table, when she opened the door, he stood up, so she saw him right away, he pulls up her chair, and they both sat down, touching his arm she said,

-thank you, I'm so glad you invited me, she took off her bulky jacket, putting it on the back of her chair and handbag on her lap, she arranged her hair to her back, gave him a big smile.

he smiled back, stood up to place the order

-how do you take your coffee Kate? what kind of muffin would you like?

-regular coffee with cream no sugar, muffin? she thought about it for a second because they are all good, she said.... surprise me

he got black coffee for him and two pieces of cake, carrot and chocolate cake

-didn't see the cakes until I was ordering

she took the plate with the chocolate slice

-thank you, John,

-you're welcome, how long have you been in this office?

-10 years, I shared an office with 2 other doctors, but when I got a townhouse near here, as soon as I could I moved my practice.

-I never saw this coffeehouse before it's nice.

-yes, it is, it seems small from the outside but it's really a good size place.

-you know, you're right.

They had a very nice conversation, he walked her to her car.

They enjoyed each other's company they didn't want the conversation to end

-I enjoy talking to you John, would you like to have dinner this Saturday at my place?

-yes, I'd like that

- 7, ok?


-have a good night, John

-drive carefully Kate, good night.

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