Sister talk

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She was in a very good mood on the way to her sister Jens house, they see each other the first Sunday of every month, they spend the whole day together, sometimes they all go out for breakfast, when they go out for breakfast Steven her brother in law likes to get the check, after breakfast the kids say were to go, other times they don't want to go out they stay in and Kate brings lots of breakfast from a fast food place, mmmmm she could smell the delicious breakfast, the aroma filled the car in a second, she got to her sisters rang the doorbell, waited a few seconds and open the door with her key, said hi to the three dogs that ran to the door wagging their tail to greet her,

-hi Matt, hi Chester, Miss Kitty

The dogs, three small rescue dogs followed her to the kitchen, Jen had coffee ready, she started filling her coffee mug as soon as she heard her coming in

-Hi Jen, good morning,

-good morning, Kate, hey love your hair,


Jen let Matt, Miss Kitty and Chester out,

-hey, Aunt Kate's, here, come down for breakfast,

The kids now teenagers, thirteen and fourteen and Steven Jen's husband came into the kitchen, they said good morning and sat down for breakfast and a nice conversation, catching up on the month events, they all liked having Aunt Kate for Sunday breakfast, Kate liked having breakfast with them, she always ate alone so she really loved the company and the loooooong talks with her sister, they finished eating, the kids went to check their phones,

-thank you for breakfast aunt Kate

and Steven when to watch sports, getting 2 more breakfast sandwiches, to see the game

-thank you for breakfast Kate,

-Your welcome guys

On the kitchen the sisters talked,

-How is it going, have you seen Bob, or anyone interesting on conferences?

Kate changing the subject,

-how was the Bio conference, the photos you send were beautiful,

-oh, it was so beautiful, the kids had a great time, but next year we are planning on going alone,

There's a part in the resort that is just for couples it's so romantic, it is such a beautiful place, hey it's a great place to visit with a guy

-I'll think about it,

-I know, you want to go out with someone that you like, never know you can go out with someone and just be friends

-I already got my prince a knight in shining armor

Jens face light up

-oh really, I'm so happy for you, who is he, go, go next weekend to this resort you are going to love it, even if you are just friends

-no, I'm just kidding, I know what you mean but, about 10 years ago I got tired of going out and having a terrible time getting bored or men being rude because I didn't put out, men don't want just to be friends, I really do want to find someone, to have someone to share my life, like you have Steven, I just want a man that when I meet him, when I hear his voice, I feel that he's going to be someone special, not keep going out on dates to see when or if I like them, I just want that special someone, it could be, the ugliest man, or a Tom, Dick and Harry average guy, but for me in my eyes he is going to be gorgeous....and nice, and kind, and sweet, and tall, and handsome, my prince a knight in shining armor.

she was saying this while she was walking to the counter to get some more coffee.

Jenifer saw Kate and smiled she didn't say anything else about that topic.

It was very rare that Jen mentioned Kate's personal life, since they were young, they talk about everything but their personal life, but it seemed a good idea, sometimes she worries about her, that she's going to spend her life alone.

Needless to say, it also worries Kate, one of the few things she tries to ignore and live with.

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